Alan Dershowitz: A Man Who Needs Close Watching Considering His Past 2 of 2

It’s about Dershowitz’s attacks on Bill Bulger in relation to the 75 State Street matter that have no facts to support them other than half truths drummed up by Dershowitz.  You know the Boston Globe did a Spotlight report on 75 State Street. It continued to report on that for several months. Dershowitz is one of the Globe’s favored people using the paper whenever he has a grudge to exploit. Dershowitz wrote: Billy got a free pass from prosecution for extortion after he received a quarter of a million dollars from the developer of 75 State Street, when the acting U.S. attorney on the case just happened to be the only Justice Department lawyer in on the Connolly-Whitey secret.”

The truth is that Bill Bulger’s involvement in 75 State Street was examined by two Massachusetts attorney generals and by two federal investigations. All exonerated him. There was no free pass. There was no extortion.

The Connolly-Whitey secret was that Whitey (Bill’s brother) was an informant for the FBI and Agent John Connolly was his handler. That was hardly a secret at the time the Globe did the 75 State Street investigation. It had published prior to that time in a Spotlight series on Bill Bulger that Whitey had a special relationship with the FBI. Its knew that because two FBI agents, one a supervisor (John Morris shown above) and another an assistant agent in charge (Robert Fitzpatrick) had, in violation of their obligation to the FBI and people who put themselves at risk to help the FBI, told the Globe of the relationship.

True, that the acting U.S. attorney on the case, Jeremiah O’Sullivan knew of the relationship but there is little doubt that many other attorneys would also know of it since it had become public knowledge. O’Sullivan’s “free pass” was not given by him. He had removed himself from the 75 State Street investigation and turned it over to two of his assistants, two men whose integrity has never been questioned. One, Ralph Gants, is now the chief justice of the Massachusetts Supreme Court. It is curious why Dershowitz directs his ire at O’Sullivan but says nothing about Gants. He knows that if he did his whole theory would collapse.

The dirty deal at the time was that the Globe hid that FBI supervisor John Morris was in charge of the 75 State Street investigation and he  was feeding it information on the QT about it. Morris testified that he and Globe reporter Gerard O’Neill were friends. He also testified that he told O’Neill they were closing out the investigation into 75 State Street for lack of evidence of criminality. He said O’Neill got upset and urged him to go on.

Dershowitz has no trouble slandering people who are in the public. This is because public figures have a difficult time protecting themselves because the laws on libel offer them little protection. Here’s another Dershowitz quote: “. . . the real villains in this tale of mass murder and massive corruption are the ‘good’ people who knowingly facilitated the bad brothers — the Dukakises, White, McCormacks, Cardinal Laws, O’Sullivans, Welds, Moakleys, and Silbers.” 

Dershowitz goes on: “Also guilty were the cowards who appointed Billy Bulger president of UMass instead of indicting him for extortion and taking bribes, and the reporters for 60 Minutes and The New Yorker who glorified Billy and romanticized Whitey. There are some out there who are still protecting them. The sordid story is not over yet.”

Meanwhile Dershowitz around this time is consorting with Jeffrey Epstein. Without any proof he libels a great cross-section of people who he doesn’t like while in the meantime he’s engineering a crafty deal with a Florida prosecutor to give a serial child rapist a “free pass” unlike the one allegedly given Bulger but one which has been decried by all clear thinking people in America.

Dershowitz was right about one thing though. As far as he and Epstein are concerned “the sordid story is not over yet.” 


7 thoughts on “Alan Dershowitz: A Man Who Needs Close Watching Considering His Past 2 of 2

  1. Dershowitz said, “. . . the real villains in this tale of mass murder and massive corruption are the ‘good’ people who knowingly facilitated the bad brothers — the Dukakises, White, McCormacks, Cardinal Laws, O’Sullivans, Welds, Moakleys, and Silbers.”

    What goes around, comes around.

    Now for the fun part.

    1. Yes, Alan Dershowitz too often delighted in throwing mud, in character assassination, in painting with too broad a brush, and too black a brush. Whitey was a bad brother; Billy was a good brother. Alan’s hatred blinded him to the facts.

      Whitey Bulger was a career criminal, a gangster, a murderer.

      Bill Bulger was a good man, his lifelong through: an honorable public servant, faithful family man, good neighbor, devoted to helping others, involved with many charitable organizations, a gifted public speaker with a quick wit and a good sense of humor.

      Alan Dershowitz envied him; his envy devolved into hatred; Alan thought he could best Billy; Alan lost in his confrontation with Billy at the Governor’s Council. Billy TKO’d Alan. Alan could not accept his loss and his hatred deepened. He struck out at anyone and all associated with Billy.

      Bill Bulger was and is Alan Dershowitz’s achilles heel, a self inflicted achilles tendonitis Alan cannot shake.

      1. I write this non-sequitor (sp) so that I’ll remember it.

        Robert Mueller’s two great failures: (1) He failed in his duty to assemble an impartial team to investigate President Trump, and instead hired a biased, all Democratic team of lawyers, some of who actually contributed to Hillary Clinton’s campaign. He began with an all Democratic Team that was not free from the appearance of impropriety, bias.
        (2) He abused his power by stating he did not “exonerate” the President. His job, no prosecutor’s, no judge’s, no investigator’s job in America is to declare persons “exonerated.” Innocent until proven guilty.

        Sad, that he proceeded for two years with his warped notion of justice.

  2. There was a short story we read in high school. The title was a take on this quote: “The mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceedingly fine.” or “. . .exceeding fine.”

    Bullies (especially intellectual bullies), character assassins, mudslingers, and those who paint too broadly with too black a brush . . . .tend to get their just desserts.

    HATRED and HUBRUS have blinded Dershowitz’s judgement when it comes to the honorable William F. Bulger. Dershowitz’s animosity arose after he lost a case to Bill Bulger’s law partner and some years later Bill Bulger humiliated him before the Governor’s Council, where Dershowitz had appeared to oppose the nomination of Paul Mahoney to the court. Dershowitz’s pretense was that Mahoney was “anti-Semitic” when the true reason was that Mahoney had worked for Bill Bulger.

    Blinded by HATRED and HUBRUS, Dershowitz has spent a big chunk of his life wallowing in the mire of his spite, spewing unjust vile, venomous charges against Bill Bulger and almost everyone associated with Bill Bulger.

    It is lesson for all of us to heed: How even very bright individuals can be consumed by their own venom, their own vendettas, their own biases, and can cede and lose their rational minds to hatred.

    Morale: hating clouds judgement even of Harvard Law Professors

  3. Man oh man, I’ll tell you. If they put Al in the stocks there isn’t enough rotten veggies in the world…..

    The best thing about a conviction of Eppie is that he has stuff on soooo many people. Hopefully videos, too. He could probably just about walk with all the deals he could cut. I’ll trade you an Eppie for a Doucheawitz, a Clinton and a Bonespurs any day.

  4. A sleazy smear artist. A lawsuit has been filed in NY Federal Court alleging Dershowitz sexually accosted a young woman working for Epstein. If it goes to trial how will the jurors view the defendant? Don’t think he is very popular with the liberal public there. He may be in very bad odor and lack all credibility.. It sets up well for the plaintiff.

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