Ukraine: Hitler’s Olympics; Putin’s Olympics

Ukraine with the bearWe’ve had two Olympics where the person in charge of the host nation had so much input into them that by referring to him you knew where and when the games took place.

In 1936 we were treated with the Hitler’s Olympics; this year we had Putin’s Olympics. Both men have many similarities not the least of which is a desire for more land and a country in which dissent is not tolerated. Whatever the man wishes is immediately done as shown in the case of Putin by the 80 – 0 vote in his rubber stamp politburo to give him the power to war on Ukraine.

On February 20, 1938, less than a month before invading Austria, Hitler “depicted Austrian Nazis as a persecuted minority, saying it was “intolerable for a self-conscious world power to know that at its side are co-racials who are subjected to continuous suffering because of their sympathy and unity with the whole German race and ideology.” After the speech, Nazis throughout Austria took to the streets amid wild shouts of ‘Sieg Heil!’ and ‘Heil Hitler!'”

While the Austrian Chancellor Dr. Kurt von Schuschnigg tried to keep his country independent it “was being eaten alive from within by the emboldened Nazi agitators. Mobs brazenly tore down the red-white-red Austrian flag and raised the swastika banner while police, under Seyss’ control, stood by and watched.”

When Hitler invaded on March 12 his forces met no resistance and in many places were greeted like heroes. “When news of the invasion reached Britain and France, they reacted just as they had when Hitler occupied the Rhineland a few years earlier. They did nothing.”

I don’t know about you but it seems those events are being echoed today and we can hear Hitler’s voice in the words we are hearing from Putin and his henchmen. I also get the feeling that again in the face of aggression the Europeans and Americans will do nothing. Maybe they will not attend a couple of meeting with Russians but there seems to be little else on the table.

The big question is why were we so unprepared for something that clearly was about to happen. It was months ago when the Ukrainian people balked at being brought back under Russian control and began the demonstrations. Few expected that Putin would tolerate this rebuff. He did because the Putin Olympics were in the offing and nothing was to be done to interfere with it.

As I and others following these events predicted, once they ended, Putin would feel free to take action. Surprisingly,President Obama and Secretary Kerry were caught flat-footed by his attack as it seems were the European leadership. We are supposed to have this enormously powerful N.S.A. and C.I.A. and Pentagon yet it seems none had any plans ready in case of this eventuality. Or if they did, the president didn’t like them. This has all the appearance of being Obama’s Katrina.

Maybe the putative next Democrat president has some ideas. I tried to find out what Hillary Clinton had to say about this matter. This is the time for leadership so one would expect this aspiring president would have some suggestions. The best I can find is a statement four days ago.  Here’s what is reported:

Clinton said Russia’s President is a man who “sits as the absolute authority now in Russia and it is quite reminiscent of the kind of authority exercised in the past by Russian leaders, by the czars and their successor Communist leaders. On Ukraine, she said Putin could consider making a move. “I believe, and this is just my opinion, if there is an opportunity for him to consolidate the position of Russia in eastern Ukraine, he will look seriously at doing that,” she said.”

She said: “the United States needs to support a “unified Ukraine”. All that was four days ago, since Putin’s invasion she’s been quiet. Now doesn’t seem to be the time for silence from a presidential hopeful.

Secretary Kerry said of Putin’s move“It’s an incredible act of aggression. It is really a stunning, willful choice by President (Vladimir) Putin to invade another country. Russia is in violation of the sovereignty of Ukraine. Russia is in violation of its international obligations.” He went on to say: “You just don’t in the 21st century behave in 19th century fashion by invading another country on completely trumped up pre-text.” 

All true, Kerry, but what are you going to do about it. Think of the Olympics. Think of the men who had them named after them. Think of the language they use to justify their crimes. Think of what happened when nothing was done when the first guy used his military because he could; guess at will happen if nothing is done this time.

My grandson once said to me when he was three years old: “Grandpa,the world is not like you want it to be.” Better he told it to Obama.


16 thoughts on “Ukraine: Hitler’s Olympics; Putin’s Olympics

  1. Elmer:

    I’ve looked at Svoboda’s political platform. It was available on the Internet. Do those other groups you’ve mentioned e-publish their political visions for Ukraine? I’m particularly interested in Pravy Sektor, but, I’m having trouble getting to unbiased info about the group. If they have home e-cites that carry their mission statements please forward.
    I checked out the groups of travelling players touring Eastern Ukraine. Looks like the Russians can’t attract a crowd unless they bring it with them. RT must be shooting mob scenes from different angles in order to increase the visual effect of more numbers.
    Set me straight on Pravy Sektor. What are they all about?

  2. Khalid, you might take a look at this article.

    Russia has been sending “protest tourists” into Ukraine to stir up unrest and to provoke civil disorder. One woman televised on Russian TV was shown as being from 4 different cities, supposedly different in each case – but it was the same woman in each case.

    as to the “different” woman appearing in various Ukrainian cities

    and here is Putler lying

  3. Khalid, I don’t know where you are getting your information about Pravy, or Correct, Section and Svoboda, or the Freedom Party, but it is not accurate.

  4. I’m intrigued by the various fifth-column movements in the Russian speaking populations of the East, and, South, of Ukraine. The Russians have had more than two decades to salt those populations with intelligence personnel. The question I have now, is what percentage of Russian speaking Ukrainians in the Eastern and Southern areas of the country are loyal to Kyiv? How many will go along with the Russians just to avoid trouble?
    The situation will be getting even more complicated, soon. The energy of Maidan has to be utilized before it dissipates. Waves of political passion exhaust themselves relatively quickly. Two groups need a confrontation, the Russian military, and, Pravy Sektor/Svoboda, The Russians want an excuse to seize more territory. Pravy Sektor/Svoboda requires a blood sacrifice along the lines of the Alamo to push its ideological position to the front of the revolution, a revolution that is moving so fast that it has far outpaced the new government that is supposed to be controlling it.
    I knew this was going to be an interesting thread.

    1. Khalid:

      Russia has had 300 years to salt the population but the salting has failed. Ukraine has both Ukrainian speaking and Russian speaking Ukrainians who are loyal to the country. There are minorities in the east and south who want to go with Russia and long for the old days of the Soviet Union. Few in western Ukraine want that, most in the eastern Ukraine want to stay with Ukraine. The Ukrainians see what has happened in Russia and do not want to lose the few liberties that they have.

      I don’t believe the energy of Maidon will dissipate. Russia has lost Ukraine forever and it can never get it back. It may end up invading the rest of it but it will end up in a perpetual war. The deaths in Maidan make a relationship with Russia impossible.

  5. I’m hoping Ukraine is getting help through the back-door. During the late forties and early to mid fifties, the original mission of SF was to support anti-Soviet guerilla struggles in Eastern Europe. If Ukrainian patriots have to take to the woods again, I like to think America will support them, if not publically, at least on the sly.

    1. Khalid:

      Obama and Putin just finished talking. Obama put forth ways to resolve the matter while Putin resonded that it is his duty to protect his people in the near abroad. It seems Obama doesn’t understand what is going on. Putin made reference that American and Russian must get along and not let minor matters get in the way. The translation to that for our president is “Ukraine is our concern, mind your own business, and lets go on with our relations without any side imposing sanctions on each other because Ukraine is a minor matter.”

      Obama was caught up short by Putin. He was the originator of the three calls between them. He still doesn’t get it. I’m afraid each time he calls Putin looks upon that as weakness. There are reports of Russian troop maneuvers in preparation for the invasion of the eastern part of Ukraine. Let’s hope Putin is not going to go after all of Ukraine and think that after a couple of week the storm will blow over. He’s taken Crimea and the West dithers. Why not take another bite and see what happens.

  6. Maybe, not exactly the same. These days, there are more nuclear players: China, India, Iran, Israel, just to mention a few. Somewhat like the economic competition between the major colonial powers of the eighteenth century, the competing nation states of our evolving era will have to adhere to certain unwritten rules of comfortable enmity, enforced as they are, by the limits of contemporary technology.

  7. Things were so much simpler when the world was bi-polar. Achieving that former political balance is what Putin is striving for. When America, and, the Soviet Union, were enemies (and, the only games in town) the planet was cut in two, The ruling classes of both empires found it easy to control their supporting under-classes with the fear of the “other.” Maybe that’s where we are headed to, in the words of Fire Sign Theater, we’re off to “the old Same place.”

    1. Khalid:

      There seems to be one big problem with trying to do an analysis of Putin. From all I can see the man is a little imbalanced. His suggestion yesterday that there are no Russian troops in Crimea in the face of compelling evidence otherwise along with some of his other statements has to make everyone pause. Yes, we’re used to the lies from the old Soviet union but from what I can recall they were never so blatant. How can you deal with a person who lies right to your face?

      1. Think about the way this situation plays with the average Russian person. Putin is crazy as a fox. His comments are calculated for his domestic audience, not foreign opinion. He looks like a clever, potent, leader to his people, someone who can restore Russia to its former glory. As far as lying goes, all politicians lie, it’s part of the job description. If I didn’t think Obama could lie through his teeth, I wouldn’t have voted for him. It’s a rough world out there.

        1. Khalid:

          I do have to keep in mind that Putin is not addressing other than the people of Russia where the news is controlled by him so when he spells out these outrageous lies it is for his home audience.

  8. Kerry did all the Sunday talk shows. David Gregory speared him with a sharp question on “Meet the Press.” After Kerry sternly intoned that the US fully supported Ukraine, Gregory asked if “full” support meant military action?” Kerry waffled mendaciously, leaving the distinct, if unspoken, impression that the United States would not defend Ukraine’s territorial integrity. Between the lines, Sec. Kerry sounded very encouraging…to Putin.

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