Italy is down to its lowest point in new cases being up only 2%. I understand it is considering a loosening of its stay at home orders. If it does it will be a good insight into what happens when people slowly start to return to a more normal existence. Its increase in death rate has been steady at 4% or less for four days.
Spain has hit a plateau with a 4% new positive case increase and 5% death rate increase over the last four days. These figures like Italy’s are a significant improvement over a week ago. Hopefully they continue on their downward trend.
The USA new positive case increase rate stands at 8% for the third day in a row. The death rate though has over the last four days been: 15%, 13%, 11% and 16%. The 5% point increase in the death rate was anticipated by the health care professionals who tell us the news over the next week will be stark.
The states had shown a climb down from their daily increasing death rate yesterday but today they reversed themselves and all of the original nine states I follow showing a significant gain in the death rate. Florida’s went to 20% while Massachusetts jumped to 19% .
I added an additional number of states to get a better understanding. The percentage increase in death rates over the last 24 hours are: Alabama 11%, Connecticut 26%, Illinois 19%, Indiana 23%, Michigan 14% to 845 deaths mostly around Detroit, Pennsylvania 32%, and Wisconsin 16%
Wisconsin today had an election where the state has a stay at home order but the polling places were open. In Milwaukee though, only 5 out of 180 polling places were occupied. Neither the top court in Illinois or the Supreme Court of the United States found anything wrong with sending people out into public to vote who were subject to a stay at home order. Wisconsin has right now 2,578 cases that have tested positive; it will be interesting to see how many it will have seven days from now.
The US Supreme Court has shown itself to be an arm of the Trump Party. Its decision was 5 – 4 with the majority being conservatives who had little thought to the safety of the people of Wisconsin. They relied on some precedent in a real life situation where there was no precedent. The hypocrisy of the five voting to have the people risk death in order to vote is exemplified by the Court itself having closed down for business because of Covid-19. The judges are quite happy to protect themselves but don’t give a damn for the voters of Wisconsin. I don’t believe there has ever been a Supreme Court that has shown such partiality toward one party and such obtuseness. Its reputation as an impartial arbiter of the laws of the country has flown out the window.
Overall, where some might have seen a light at the end of the tunnel yesterday the increase in deaths seem to suggest that was an illusion. We are not over this by a long shot.
The consequences of this decision will be swift, prophetic, and final. The total turn-out, as well as the virus spread increase/decrease/no change will also be interesting. As Trump says-low numbers are good for Republicans. Put up as many barriers as possible.
1. The retrospective studies will give the answers. We’re in the midst of the battle, the data gathering; we won’t really know till the scientists assess it retrospectively.
2. “I don’t believe there has ever been a Supreme Court that has shown such partiality toward one party and such obtuseness. Its reputation as an impartial arbiter of the laws of the country has flown out the window.” You forget the Massachusetts Supreme Court and the St. Patrick’s Day Parade Case.