RONALD DERMODY, 32 September 4, 1964 My gut tells me Robinson was shot because of romantic situation that he did not want to disclose to the police. I also tend to believe he was not shot walking down the street but probably in a place he was not supposed to be – like another person’s…
Author: mtc9393

Wrongly Attributed to the First Irish Gang War- Ronald Dermody (Part 3)
RONALD DERMODY, 32 September 4, 1964 The pièce de resistance of the Ronald Dermody story is how it relates to Agent Paul Rico of the FBI. Why would Dermody think FBI Agent Paul Rico could do anything for him? Authors suggest Dermody had a relationship with him because he arrested him eight years earlier but…

Wrongly Attributed to the First Irish Gang War- Ronald Dermody (Part 2)
On September 4, 1964, at 11:00 p.m., Dermody was in the driver’s seat of the car he had borrowed which was stopped at School and Belmont Streets in Watertown. The window on the passenger side was rolled part way down. He was shot at four time; three slugs hit his body. The fatal shot hit…

Wrongly Attributed to the First Irish Gang War- Ronald Dermody (Part 1)
Ronald Dermody is often grouped in as a victim of the “Irish Gang Wars.”was not a member of either the McLean or the McLaughlin gang. He was not involved in their dispute. He was an armed robber from Cambridge. Dermody was sixteen, halfway through his short, delinquent life when he was arrested in October 1948…

Boston Gang Wars- Murdered by McLaughlins- James “Buddy” McLean
Buddy McLean was the leader of a Somerville gang. Around a month before the Salisbury Beach incident on Labor Day in 1961, McLean was confronted by David Gearty, 35. David Gearty was described as a dapper fellow and “not an easy man to forget. A broad-shouldered six-footer with a deep tan, he is often mistaken…

Boston Gang Wars- Murdered by the McLaughlins: Russell Nicholson
In early November 1961, Russell Nicholson, a Metropolitan District Commission police officer, was suspended and later dismissed from that police force for “being in the company of persons of ill repute, with whom he admitted having been friendly.” The persons of ill repute were Buddy McLean and Alexander Petricone. Rumor had it that he drove…