I indicated the other day I may want to reconsider one of my earlier posts on Whitey’s murders. When I was going through them and discussed it I noted that Whitey had no motive to commit the murder. As I continued my examination of others murders it seemed to me that I had seen a…
Author: mtc9393
Unraveling the Mystery in The Tim Flaherty Case.
I wrote about how Tim Flaherty was indicted for a federal crime that provided for a twenty year prison sentence and how he probably suffered through the agony of waking up each morning with the initial momentary feeling that all was well until his world came crashing down as he remembered the federal charge. His…
The Strange Case of Timothy Sullivan: A Man Personally Close To Mayor Walsh
I got called around 9:15 am. I was told Timothy Sullivan had been arrested as part of U.S. Attorney Ortiz’s investigation into the happenings in City Hall over the Boston Calling hiring of union members. (I never understand arresting these people. Why not have the decency to have them appear at the courthouse?) I went…
The Strange Case of Attorney Timothy Flaherty
The records of Tim Flaherty’s case in the federal court show that the indictment was filed on May 26, 2015. Between that time and now various motions were filed and some hearings on procedural matters as well as motions took place. The last entry on the case dated April 29, 2016 reads: “Pre-trial Conference.” The…
U.S. Attorney Ortiz’s Federal Prosecutors Reined In: Will Judges Follow the Law?
McDonnell vs United States will have serious ramifications on the recent actions by the Boston U.S. Attorney Ortiz’s continuing intrusion in to matters best left to the state. It is hard to see how the Appeals Court will uphold the conviction of Probation Commissioner John O’Brien after that decision; it is questionable whether the Teamsters…
The Whitey Buger Murders: Arthur “Bucky” Barrett
Arthur “Bucky” Barrett was murdered in August 1983. His murder will be the ninth that I feel confident can be attributed to Whitey. I am not sure exactly how the murder went down. Both Weeks and Flemmi have Whitey shooting him the head but Flemmi’s story about the way it happened was somewhat confusing. It…