Spoiled! Oblivious! Lucky! Those are three words the come to mind when I think of the Boston Marathon. It was three years ago the bombing took place. Three were murdered by terrorist bombs – hundreds injured and maimed – some quite badly losing limbs. Ah, the tragedy of it all. Remember the response — the…
Author: mtc9393
The Lady From Panana: Hillary Clinton and Her Friends
You want to see some friends of Hillary? You want to see what you will get under a Hillary/Slick Willy presidency? Take a look at the revelations coming out in the Panama papers. These papers show where the crooks who have been leading many countries hide their money. What is so astounding is that these…
Bernie Is Running For President in the Wrong Country
“This land is my land, this land ain’t your land, you love another, and it ain’t this land. Why don’t you go there, and run for office. That land was made for those in slavery.” Of course Bernie could not go there and run for office. No other parties are allowed to run against…
Father Pat Moloney: His Job and His Views and His Experience
His Work As Described by a Fellow New York City Priest: “Perhaps one would be scandalised at the sight of a Catholic priest, always in his black pants and black clergy shirt and roman collar, lugging furniture around the neighbourhood or fixing a junk car; people in the neighbourhood were not scandalised, they knew what…
The Spotlight Movie: “Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus”
Jack Dunn had to threaten suit to clear his name. The movie producer of Spotlight finally admitted on the cusp of facing a costly suit that Dunn never said the words attributed to him. This admission was not done until after the Oscar for best picture was given to Spotlight. It was thought best to hide the lies until…
Bernie Sanders as a Socialist Would Never Get My Vote: Though I Have to Admit He Temps Me.
There are many reasons I could not vote for a socialist. Maybe it is my Catholic upbringing. Maybe it is because I married a woman who lived under the yoke of a communist government and experienced its horrors firsthand. Maybe I recognized that socialism is a policy that operates in the abstract but not in…