The movie based on the book is out this month. I will go to see it at some point and write about it but it is not something I will rush out to see. I write now to remind those of you who have a particular interest in this matter and will attend the movie…
Author: mtc9393
Labor Day: A History Lesson.
How many know why we celebrate Labor Day when we do? Do you know why we don’t celebrate it like the rest of the world on May 1? Do you know why we have a day to celebrate for labor rather than having say a “businessman day” or “a capitalist day?” I’ve been looking into…
“Your Job or Your Conscience!” The Judicial Gun in Kim Davis’s Rib
Kim Davis went to jail for refusing to issue a marriage license to a same-sex couple. President Obama’s press secretary Josh Earnest told us: “No one is above the law, That applies to the president of the United States and that applies to the county clerk of Rowan County, Kentucky as well.” Now wait a…
Larry Lessig Will Run If He Gets A Million By Labor Day: Will Jeffrey Epstein Contribute?
Two more days. The last I looked 6,100 people had donated $734,435 in support of the highly-unknown Larry Lessig a 54 year old from Rapid City, South Dakota. He’s a real smart guy with a law degree from Yale, a masters in philosophy from the University of Cambridge in England, a B.A. in economics from…
United States v. Flaherty: Part 10 of 10 – Summing Up
I’m really at a loss when it comes to this case. I see no good that can come from the prosecution. The whole matter is devoid of any concept of justice. To twist and turn the law in such a manner for the purpose of destroying a lawyer with a good reputation is contrary to…
U.S. v. Flaherty – Part 9 of 10: The Confusing Federal Steps
Here is why I find the government’s case against Flaherty to be one that has been constructed going backwards. It is the reason that Flaherty’s lawyer must be allowed to explore the background of it fully. It also presents another question that is interesting to explore. The federal prosecutors argue that Flaherty’s communications with the…