Plymouth District Attorney Timothy Cruz who I don’t know appears to run his office in a way that I don’t like. I’ll explain that in a later post. But the Boston Globe’s unfair attack on him leaves me scratching my head. There has to be something behind it that it is not disclosing for it is…
Author: mtc9393
The Fourth of July 2015: Two Questions To Ponder Today
The Declaration of Independence was signed by 56 persons on the 4th of July. Yankee Doodle Dandy was born on the Fourth of July; both John Adams and Thomas Jefferson died on that date in 1826. They were the only two who became president of the United States. All of the signers of the Declaration…
How Could The FBI Not Have Recruited Tamerlan Tsarnaev When It Was Trying to Recruit Usaamah Rahim
I wrote the other day that Tamerlan was an FBI informant. There may be no way we can ever know that for certain because the FBI will never disclose this. No one outside of the FBI can ever learn what is occurring in the FBI informant dealings. Remember it was quite unusual for us to…
The FBI’s Fear of the Truth: A Blemish on Our Justice System
I’m studying J. Edgar Hoover’s early years in order to understand why it was he created the monstrosity called the Top Echelon Informant program. If you ever want to understand what made him tick just think of the number 1919. It explains much. One of my big beefs with the FBI is that it refuses…
Time To Close The FBI: Our Secret Police Are An Embarrassment
Ralph Ranalli takes part of the blame for luring me into this blog. It was his 2001 book “Deadly Alliance: The FBI’s Secret Partnership With The Mob.” that intrigued me. He said he was motivated in writing the book for two reasons. The first because he requested from the FBI its Manual of Investigative and Operational…
Unanswered Questions: Where Did Organized Crime Go? Why Was Rahim Shot When He Was?
Has anyone noticed that for the most part that organized crime in the Boston area has vanished. No one is involved in taking bets on the NFL or other sporting events; the great white sharks have devoured the loan sharks; the leg breakers have gone into extreme boxing; the extortionist have become contortionists; the war…