INTRODUCTION: “Oh, what a tangle web we weave when first we practice to deceive.” Sir Walter Scott This is the story of the Great Boston Bamboozlement. Webster’s Third New International Dictionary defines bamboozlement as: “the quality or state of being bamboozled.” Bamboozle is defined as: “to conceal one’s true motives from esp. by elaborately feigning…
Author: mtc9393
An American Crime Story – Rewarded for Having a Man Murdered
In Boston and its environs two cruel groups of men existed. They preyed upon others, most of whom were involved in illegal businesses themselves. They developed a system whereby they would oversee the illegal activities of others and provide security and protection for them in exchange for tribute payments. One group, LCN, consisted of men…
The Absurdity of the Case Against John Connolly: Updated
[Note: Sometimes being the head waiter, clerk of the work and bottle washer causes one to mess up. Yesterday my post on this subject was truncated by more than half due to some error on my part. I took it down and reproduce it in full today.] John Connolly was convicted of a crime he…
Judge Leon’s Scales Tilt in the Wrong Direction
I noted how Judge Leon was in error in his decision on the NSA. Others have seconded my suggestion that he was wrong. It is amazing that a judge in the face of clear precedent against him (Smith v. Maryland, 442 U.S. 735 (1979) which said there is no expectation of privacy in metadata held…
Florida’s Outrageous Injustice: The John Connolly Case
For five years retired FBI Agent John Connolly has been wrongfully imprisoned in a Florida prison. The Florida Appeals Court refuses to write a decision on his appeal. Is it that the US Department of Justice (DOJ) weighs in so heavily on the Eleventh Judicial Circuit in and for Miami-Dade County that it fails to see that…
Judge Leon Wanders Off The Ranch
I haven’t read Judge Richard J. Leon’s decision saying the NSA surveillance of cell phone records is a violation of the Fourth Amendment but have seen in some of the news reports certain quotes from his decision. From my understanding of the law of search and seizure he is way off base. I expect that…