Step back and count the number of books and lines in the media that have been written about Whitey and ask yourself why is that so? Is it because he is the most masterful criminal who has ever existed in America? One would have to think so by the coverage. We all know what the…
Author: mtc9393
The Grand Boston Media Conspiracy
I’ve been interested in and writing about the uniformity in view-point among the Boston media concerning the matters surrounding Whitey. I did notice while attending the trial all of the Boston media people except one, Dave Boeri, seemed to enjoy a cozy relationship with each other. There was no sense of all being other than…
New Policy & The Barbarity of Justice
The end of the Whitey’s trial should have been the end of this blog, after all it was entitled: “thetrialofwhiteybulger.” When I first created this back in June 2012 for the most part I stayed with matters relating to Whitey but often discussed others happenings in the criminal justice system such as the strange homicide…
War With Syria (7): Seize The Day
General Wesley Clark on the Ed Show on MSNBC yesterday made the incredible statement that our attack on Syria is not an act of war. Aside from making me wonder how such a man could rise to the level he did in the military, it shows how the government is pulling out every trick in…
War With Syria (6) – Things To Know
If you listen to the president or read about his pitch for the upcoming Syrian war it is nice to keep in mind the following: 1. This is an act of war. We are attacking a sovereign nation with implements of war. It is like the Japanese attacking Pearl Harbor, or the Germans invading Poland,…
War With Syria (5): Blow Back
The Congressional calendar notes that Congress does not come back to Washington until September 9, 2013. It also shows that on September 13 Yom Kippur begins at sundown. Therefore I have to figure Obama will be given the go ahead for the attack at the latest on the 13th. We won’t go to war with Syria until…