The drums go bang as the war liking secretary of state hyperbolic statement informs us: “President Obama believes there must be accountability for those who use the world’s most heinous weapons against the world’s most vulnerable people.” the symbols clang when the defense secretary brags to us: “assets [are] in place” and the Pentagon is prepared “to fulfill and…
Author: mtc9393
Lonnie Mason Shows The Way
Anyone coming here would know that I’d like the story of Lonnie Mason and his dedication to pursuing his skill long after he retired. If you’ve been coming here for a while you’d understand that I believe one of the worst things that has happened to law enforcement is the extensive reliance on informants. I’ve often called…
Thinking Back on Whitey’s Trial:
Ever mindful of keeping sources open, the Boston media seems to see things a certain way that hardly measures up to the reality of a situation. I wrote a while ago that prosecutors are not good at cross-examination. Not all of them, of course, but many. I said that not because they couldn’t be, it’s…
When Will They Ever Learn:
The Boston Herald reports of the man who shot at two police officers before he was killed was “Roudy Hendricks, 21, of Brockton. It said he has a “lengthy and violent” criminal record” The Boston Globe reported of the man who was charged in the Amy Lord case, Edwin J. Alemany, that Suffolk DA Conley…
An Overlooked Hero in the Fight Against the Mafia: G Robert Blakey
At the library yesterday I was browsing through the section that sold used books. Not that I need any more books in my house since we’re trying to cut back on them and donate some to the library. Glancing through the titles I saw a book Five Families by Selwyn Raab. an investigative for the New York…
FBI Culture Endangers America
I wrote yesterday about agents gone wild. This is because no one is able to verify what that agency is doing and the president and Congress which is supposed to oversee the Bureau are intimidated by it. The Hoover era continues even as we see a switch between directors with the new director coming from…