Here’s what today is about. “When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them,…
Author: mtc9393
The John Naimovich Story From Part One To End
(Each Sunday I’ve posted a part of the story as a series. This is the total of all those posts. The reason this story is so important to understanding the Whitey Bulger case is that it shows the whole C – 3 organized crime squad of the FBI, at a minimum, and a member of…
The Day Before the 4th of July – Time For a Pause and an Update of Sorts
No trial today. Judge Casper wisely gave the jurors a long break over this holiday time. We’re half way through 2014 2013 and coming up to our national break time so it’s time to talk about some general things. On Saturday each week I’ll be doing the Whitey Weekend Wrap. It’ll be my take on…
The Grand Strategy Revealed – Part Three
Aside from knowing Salemme was wrongfully incarcerated, he may have learned that many prosecutions conducted by the Department of Justice used information from Flemmi that was not disclosed to the defendants who were convicted. He might have known there were other people beyond Salemme in prison who should not have been there. He might have…
After The Bell: A Third Round Analysis of Whitey’s Fight
The strategies of the fighters are unfolding as we go through the trial as are the strengths and weaknesses of some of the persons involved. Whitey, aka James Bulger, if in-courtroom reports are accurate, has used the “F” word on two occasions – once saying he wasn’t an informant and the other suggesting witness Morris…
Billy Shea’s Day To Have His Say: An Interesting Story
Billy Shea who just testified probably knew Whitey as well as any person who will testify. He’s a life long Southie guy except for the last few years when he got an immunity letter from the government that forced him to testify and he ended up in the witness protection program. He tells of going…