I’m off in the press overflow room. It gives me a better view of the proceedings than I would get if I was sitting up the back of the courtroom. Today the day ended about 12:15. Tomorrow morning at 8:45 the lawyers will get together with the judge to go over a few preliminaries and…
Author: mtc9393
Wyshak’s Dilemma
Again yesterday we heard AUSA Fred Wyshak talking about a prosecutor’s worst dilemma which is vouching for a witness who is a die-in- the-wool criminal. Here, last minute allegations have arisen that indicate John Martorano who has admitted murdering 20 unarmed people, most by sneaking up upon them and shooting them in the head, is…
Late Afternoon Developments: Whitey’s Lawyer J.W. Carney Seeks A Delay In The Opening Statements
At 3:40 p.m. Judge Denise Casper held a hearing on Carney & Brenan’s motion to delay the start of the trial until they get their discovery relative to the state police report that John Martorano is back at his old game of being involved in criminal activity and is being protected by the state police….
Today In Court – Jury Selection Continues
Today in court Judge Denise J. Casper became more involved in the jury selection. Judge Casper has a tendency to speak softly so I was not able to gather in all she said but that may be more my problem than hers. I am pleased with the way she has taken control of the case….
Tears And Fears And Changing Spots
Jury selection continues in the James “Whitey” Bulger trial. The lawyers for both sides are still going through the questionnaires filled out by over 800 jurors whittling them down so they can move into the second stage of jury selection. That stage will be used for counsel to ask further question of those jurors who…
A Sunday Story – A Talk With The Globe’s Shelley Murphy
When I was last in federal court I had a conversation with Shelley Murphy of the Boston Globe. Shelley told me in as kind a voice as one could manage taking someone to the woodshed that she wasn’t happy with a story in my blog that indicated she and Kevin Cullen had paid Dick Sunday…