There is one final mystery. A big gap exists in the motion for discovery by Carney & Brennan (C&B). It had to be deliberately created because it represents the gut of the motion. It relates to the relationship between the two major protagonist in this drama: Agent John Connolly and James “Whitey” Bulger. I’ll talk…
Author: mtc9393
The acronym POOF stands for People Out Of Favor. POOF turns an everyday law-abiding citizen into a major criminal and subjects that person to the most serious of penalties for a minor infraction of the law. POOF usually happens to one who has led a crime free existence who commits some action that would normally…
A Carney & Brennan Redux – V – Lift The Screen
There are a couple of things I can’t figure out in the Carney & Brennan (C&B) discovery motion. First, I don’t understand how they can hide the substance of the deal they say Whitey had with O’Sullivan. I’d think the prosecutors would zero right in on that. They should suggest to Judge Casper that if…
A Carney & Brennan Redux – IV – The Flaw
No matter how you slice Whitey’s status vis-à-vis the Government, a couple of certainties exists. There’s no doubt Stevie Flemmi was an FBI informant. He admitted he was an informant. The FBI files have actionable information from him that resulted in significant Mafia arrests. Whitey in his motion wrote: “While Flemmi may have provided information…
A Carney & Brennan Redux – III – Double Agent
I’m back to writing about the recent discovery motion filed by Carney & Brennan (C&B). The set up to their argument which I mentioned in Redux I is the Government has a pattern of making deals with top level criminals and then denying they made the deals. That through AUSA O’Sullivan of the Department of…
Easter 2013 — And The Old Soft Shoe
Up to 1582 all Christianity followed the Julian calendar in celebrating Easter which is the time Christians believe Christ who was crucified and died on Good Friday came back to life. In that year Pope Gregory decided that the calendar had become out of kilter with the spring equinox so he moved it back 10…