If ever there was as strange case it is the case of the United States v. James “Whitey” Bulger. An example of this is what happened yesterday in court. Judge Stearns held a hearing on the prosecutors motion to keep evidence of Whitey having carte blanche authorization to murder whomever he wishes from the ears…
Author: mtc9393
Unsolicited Advice for James “Whitey” Bulger – The Clock Has Tolled – Time To Do The Manly Thing
Before retracing my steps back to where I left off after I wandered away to discuss the news that more books about Whitey were coming out from the Boston Globe, I want to talk about whether it is in Whitey’s interest to testify, or even have a trial. Pam, in her comment, disagrees with my…
More Whitey Bulger Books From Globe Writers Setting Out The Same Lines Of Attack On All Things Bulger
On Monday of this week I wrote about the new book that’s coming out today “Whitey Bulger: America’s Most Wanted Gangster and the Manhunt That Brought Him to Justice” by the Globe reporters, Kevin Cullen and Shelley Murphy. I pointed out how it will reinforce the in-house view of the Boston Globe. I haven’t read…
A New Book On Whitey Bulger Points To Him Not Testifying In Upcoming Trial
Yesterday we learned that two Boston Globe reporters have written a book that’s coming out this week.: “Whitey Bulger: America’s Most Wanted Gangster and the Manhunt That Brought Him to Justice.” These reporters have been covering the events surrounding Whitey for many years but they’ve been working for the Boston Globe during this period of…
Whitey Bulger’s Marriage To The FBI May Have Been Consented To On One Side
The prosecutors have a recording in which Whitey said he was never an informant. This contradicts FBI Agent John Connolly who said he opened Whitey as an informant on September 18, 1975. Here’s the problem. Whitey has no idea that Connolly opened him on that date or any other date. The informant relationship is not…
Whitey’s Big Lie And The Prosecutors Choice Of What To Do With It
Judge Stearns will hold a hearing next Wednesday on the prosecutor’s motion to keep Whitey from presenting evidence that Jeremiah O’Sullivan, now deceased, but who was a AUSA head of the Organized Crime Task Force in the late 1970s gave him carte blanche immunity to commit as many murders as his heart desired. The Court…