Whitey’s entrance into Winter Hill’s embrace had to have been slow, as I’ve written, based upon the need for the hardened gangsters to build up a trust in this unknown quantity and for him to trust them. You don’t go off and murder someone who can be a witness against you unless you have a…
Author: mtc9393
§17: Re-Examining Whitey Bulger: The Learning Years: The Status Of Things In Mid-1973
Dave Farrell a Boston Globe columnist was known to get his information from FBI and other law enforcement sources. He usually could be depended upon to give a fairly accurate picture of what was happening in the gangster world. He wrote a column in the Globe on April 3, 1973, that stated: “The recent gangland slayings in Boston are…
Who’s Afraid of Judge Wolf? He’s Based His Findings On The Testimony Of A Liar – Why Then Believe Them?
Life sometimes gets in the way of blogging, as is the case today with me. But I want to suggest what I’ve been thinking about recently. In a nut shell it boils down to the question, “What if Judge Wolf is wrong?” The decisions of the other judges in the federal district court and in…
Aaron Swartz’s Prosecution Points To An Ongoing Great Misunderstanding By Our Federal Prosecutors As To Their Role
I had no intention of writing on this subject again until I read a statement by Orin Kerr a professor of law at George Washington University that “once the decision to charge the case had been made, the charges brought here [against Aaron Swartz] were pretty much what any good federal prosecutor would have charged.” If what…
The Whitey Bulger Lance Armstrong Dilemmas – Finding The Truth From Liars Looking For A Benefit
The New York Times’s Juliet Macur sets out many of the questions she hopes Oprah asks Lance Armstrong all arranged around the hope he will disclose the identities of all those involved in his scheme to defraud the people about his use of prohibited performance enhancing drugs. Lance is about to admit that for 20…
§16: Re-Examining Whitey Bulger: The Learning Years: Surviving Among Sharks
Whitey walked into a group of murderous guys who already had strong loyalties to others within the group. Could he hope for no more than being an outsider through the Learning Years? He and the Italians would never really be close friends. Italian and Irish gangsters are like oil and water. Their inherent love of…