I understand a prosecutor has the absolute discretion in whom to charge with a crime. We see this in the case of a person who some allege was involved in the murder of Brian Halloran, Michael Donovan and John McIntyre. The U.S. attorney refuses to charge that person because it appears a deal has been…
Author: mtc9393
The Attempt by US Attorney Carmen Ortiz to Commit A Million Dollar Heist from A Hard Working Guy: Shades of Whitey Bulger
A person from out-of-state who comments here off an on asked me what I thought of a story he came across. It related to the Caswell Motel owned by 69-year-old Russ Caswell. After looking into it I’d suggest that rather than chasing after people like Sheila Burgess who committed no crime or caused any injustice, if…
The First Two Nominations for The “Got Guts” Award and “Gone Gray” Award Go To Politicians
As promised yesterday, I will make the nominations for this award from among those who are considered the leaders of the hacks, elected politicians. Keep in mind where some consider the word hack to be a pejorative indicating a loafer or idler; I happen to think it is a worthy title because it applies to…
Thoughts of Whitey Bulger Lead to the Creation of The “Got Guts” and “Gone Gray” Awards: Nominations Tomorrow
I’ve been thinking how we’ve become a nation of craven individuals crowding together and trying to blend into the massive grayness of anonymity, a nation of grays. We hide our real opinions in the face of those who speak the loudest. We shrink back from what we know is true subjecting our opinion to the…
The FBI Is Still Operating Under The Rules of J. Edgar Hoover When It Comes To Gathering Statements of Witnesses
In my book, Don’t Embarrass The Family, I tell how I became involved with these matters involving Whitey Bulger. Dealing with them, especially having sat through the trial of FBI agent John Connolly, I began to fear that the FBI had become an untamed monster. In the Connolly case it was embarrassed by the disclosure that it…
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving: My view this morning as I put the turkey in the smoker. Have a nice day.