Did you read about that young University of Texas student an 18-year older named Haruka Weiser who was murdered last week? Her murder was national news. The Austin police chief Art Acevedo rightly said: “When you think about what connects us as human beings, to murder a young woman, is just not part of my DNA and thankfully is not part of most people’s DNA.”
Did you read about that young Boston woman Elizabeth “Liz” Dixon a 19-year-old student who recently graduated from St. Joseph’s parochial high school in Roxbury? She was murdered on Saturday morning January 6, 1968. Her murder was on page 17 of the Sunday Globe and the next day on page 34. It never was mentioned again in that newspaper. It was far from national news. No one talked about how horrendous it was.
I know one happened in 1968 and one in 2016. Is that really a difference? Or is the difference the color of the victim? Dixon was black.
I have written how that Boston U.S. attorney Carmen Ortiz decided John Callahan’s family are entitled to compensation because he was a victim. Callahan hired John Martorano to murder a real victim, a businessman with no ties to the gangsters, Roger Wheeler. After murdering Wheeler and collecting his money, Martorano killed Callahan so he could not be a witness against him. I believe if you hire a hitman to kill another and he kills you neither you nor your family deserve to be compensated.
I’ve also written how many of the other people Ortiz calls victims were gangsters themselves who had murdered or would have murdered others if given a chance. Their families also deserved no compensation. Brian Halloran murdered George Pappas; Paulie McGonagle murdered Billy O’Sullivan; Tommy King murdered Donald Killeen and was killed by Martorano preparing to murder Suitcase Fidler.
It could be argued that almost all of the others were gangsters or associated with them in one way or another unlike other than those killed early on by Martorano which were done at the request of Mafia Boss Gerry Angiulo. He wanted to get rid of some competition . He hired Martorano and Howie Winter to do the murders. They killed the wrong people. Howie was never prosecuted for them.
I began to wonder if there were any other real innocent victims in this saga. Then I recalled the horrible murder of Elizabeth Dixon from Roxbury. I had never heard of it. I never would have heard of it had not the Murderman Martorano confessed to it.
Oh, and don’t buy the propaganda put out by Ortiz’s office idea that had he not confessed to it we never would have known about her murder. Stevie Flemmi was anxious to tell about it to get a deal for himself. Others if pushed would have gladly come forward for a deal. What’s even more weird both Martorano and Flemmi got deals.
Martorano confessed to twenty murders. Those were all ones where witnesses existed who could implicate him. No one knows how many murders he committed where there were no witnesses. When you think of how many people are executed for one or two murders, you must wonder why Martorano did 12 years for over 20 murders.
That is not the worst of it. Since I was speaking of compensating victims, Ortiz’s office gave Martorano $20,000 when he got out of prison. He was allowed to make thousands upon thousands more writing a book and selling movie rights about his many murders. . Elizabeth Dixon got nothing.
Elizabeth’s murder should have caused a great sensation. Not just because she was a teenager with no involvement in any type of trouble who was mysteriously gunned down. The startling thing about it is that she was one of three black persons found murdered in that car.
All were shot in the back left side of the head. They were found at 5:50 am on Saturday January 6, 1968, in a station wagon on Normandy Street in Roxbury. She was sitting between two males. Slumped over to her right was 17-year-old Douglas Barrett. To her left, and behind the steering wheel was 47-year-old Herbert Smith described as “assistant manager of South End night club, Basin Street South.”
The Boston Globe wrote about the murders on Sunday, January 7, on page 17. The second paragraph read: “The trio, all Negroes, were found slumped in a station wagon. . . . “ There would be one other story about their murders in the Globe. It was the next day on page 34. After that it disappeared from the Globe. (continued in part 2)
Murderman sleeps very well at night, with a pillow full of blood money. Howie Carr should be wiped off the face of this earth, he is a balding overweight racist, whose scalp is rejecting his follicle recovery. Howie should let Murderman babysit his grandchildren if he thinks he is such a likeable individual.
try and make the teleconference call
9/11 and Other Deep State Crimes Teleconference
** wtc7 pentagon
** Draft Agenda for 4/27/16 Teleconference
(ET)/5pm (PT) Teleconference # 1-218-895-6835 Access code: 9112001#
Greetings all,
We’re excited to announce that British filmmaker Tony Rooke plans to join us for Wednesday’s teleconference to discuss his recent film Incontrovertible. This 9/11 truth video is uniquely scripted to appeal directly to first responders, such as police, firemen and other local emergency professionals. (The film can be viewed in its entirety at its website (http://houston911truth.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=84a2c6cbe080c5515da932a5d&id=b005484e23&e=91763ac879) ). Jonathan Mark will give us a detailed summary of his local effort, here in the US, to use this film as a vehicle for disseminating 9/11 truth to local first responders, a possible templat e for other local 9/11 truth groups.
Two contributors to the recently published book And Nobody Died in Boston Either, edited by Jim Fetzer, are no strangers to our Teleconference. Craig McKee and Sheila Casey will give us a brief overview of this book, together with a more detailed account of the chapter contributed by each of them.
I’ll follow up with brief review of Lance deHaven-Smith’s Conspiracy Theory in America, and propose it as a group-reading exercise for a future book discussion, given its useful theoretical and historical approach to reframing false-flag operations and other Deep State events as “state crimes against democracy.”
We’ll hear from Lynn Bradbury and others about a recent contretemps in the 28 pages campaign, and close with an analysis of the CITGO security cameras by Wayne Coste, PE. Wayne has provided this pdf file (http://houston911truth.us5.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=84a2c6cbe080c5515da932a5d&id=0265d25360&e=91763ac879) for the reference of participants.
We hope many of you will be able to join us for this informative teleconference.
Ken Freeland
I Roll call/minutes approval (draft minutes copied below)/agenda approval (5 min)
Incontrovertible and local outreach to first responders [Jonathan Mark, with special guest Tony Rooke] (25 minutes for presentation and discusion)
III And Nobody Died in Boston, Either — book review by co-contributors [Sheila Casey, Craig McKee] / Q & A (20-25 minutes)
IV Brief review of Conspiracy Theory in America by Lance deHaven-Smith, and proposal for group reading of this book. [Ken Freeland] (10 minutes including discussion)
VI 28 pages campaign issue [Lynn Bradbury and others] (5-10 minutes)
VII Analysis of the CITGO security cameras [Wayne Coste, PE] / Discussion (15 min)
VIII Announcements
IX Adjournment
Great post. Who is the racist? The woman from Southie or Dorchester who doesn’t want her children bused from the local school or the newspaper that minimizes the lives of three innocent blacks shot by a Mafia hitman? Could the families of the victims file a suit against the Globe, and DOJ alleging a conspiracy to violate their Constitutional rights and deprive them of compensation? Where is the Suffolk DA or the cold case squad on these murders? Is the state AG a racist? How can she let this pass? Black lives don’t matter unless they advance the political agenda of the party in power. 2. What precedent is being set by Ortiz? A Democrat administration with a Democrat US Attorney is going to charge a Democrat Mayor for urging or demanding that a developer hire union workers. Under this DOJ it is a crime to hire a less qualified person to a government position. A future Republican DOJ will be able to indict every elected Democrat for either urging union employment or hiring less qualified people. All Federal and State judges could be indicted. This could be manna from heaven for the Republicans.