As you may recall, Wimpy Bennett and Fats Buccelli were arrested and did time for having some of the Brink’s money in their possession. Wimpy was only incarcerated this one time even though he was up to his ears in the rackets. Wimpy was a guy that no one really trusted. It was rare that…
Category: Boston Gang Wars

McLaughlin Murders – JAMES “SPIKE” O’TOOLE
I lived on Belfort Street in Savin Hill, Dorchester, during my teenage years. That street ran aside St. William’s Church from Dorchester Avenue to Saxton Street. My house was three houses away from Saxton Street. It was a blue-collar neighborhood. Diagonally across the street from me lived Peter “Luke” McDonough. I was close with his…

McLaughlin Murders – JOHN J. LOCKE
On June 16, 1964, the Chelsea Municipal Employees Association held a dance at the American Legion Hall in Fay Square. One of the attendees was James P. Naimo, 43. He would run afoul of John J. Locke, 25, of Mount Vernon Street, Dorchester. Naimo was stabbed in the lower chest and underwent surgery at Chelsea…

Frank Salemme called Steve Hughes the most dangerous of the Hughes brothers. It is said that Steve, who had recently been released from the hospital after spending over a month there because of the ambush, had to identify his brother’s body. It must have been tough looking at his younger brother laying dead in front…

McLaughlin Murders – CORNELIUS HUGHES
Connie Hughes was one of the feared Hughes brothers. The Hughes brothers were the tough guys in the McLaughlin gang that people feared the most. Frank Salemme would say in his deposition that “the Hughes brothers, they were dangerous guys, just enough to keep your distance, you know.” Like the McLaughlins, they were also longshoremen….

The murders of Raymond DiStasio and John O’Neill at Mickey Mouse Lounge occurred a week earlier than the time Colonel O’’Donovan arrested Jimmy Flemmi. Jimmy Flemmi, at that time, did not know what evidence the police had about the murder. When questioned about their murders, he blurted out out of the blue, “It was someone…