Thanks to all who have been with me on this mostly daily ride over many subjects that began with Whitey and ended up with a person not too dissimilar to him in the person of the upcoming president.
I’m going to cut back on daily blogging for a bit. I appreciate all those who have been with me over the years especially those who have offered their comments. I won’t go away but you will be hearing less from me.
I want to get into some things in more depth. I have things sitting on my plate that have to be finished which cannot be done wailing about Trump and the demise of the country. I have some interesting stuff on the Gardner Museum that might appeal to some; I have to try to do what I can to extricate John Connolly the former FBI agent from his unjust perpetual imprisonment; I have to spend more time delving into how it was that J. Edgar Hoover came to create the abominable top echelon informant program that created monsters like Stevie Flemmi and his associates which has caused me to delve into the history of our country in a much greater manner than I hoped.
I want to get away from the Trump and let those who are happy with his victory enjoy the fruits of their work. He will be what he has shown himself to be no matter how many want to put on rose-colored glasses and think he is not what he has always been.
Now that we will have a new U.S. Attorney in Boston I will have to wait and see what will result. Will the improper and sinister connection between the media and the federal prosecutors continue and the new U.S. attorney turn a blind eye toward the leaks by members of the staff? Will we have a free press what will judge the federal prosecutors and federal judges according to their deeds and not because of what goodies they can get from them?
I want to study in more detail the private labor unions who have no representation in the Democratic or Republican parties and perhaps suggest it is time they create a new approach which may be a new political party. Has there been a study to show the private labor unions demise in part is caused by the public employee unions? Are the union politicians pro-public employee unions while anti-private unions?
I want to go back and show the Deegan murder and how the Mafia and its lawyers have made a mockery of justice in pretending that four innocent men were convicted. Has anyone ever noticed that the two FBI agents most responsible for the demise of the Mafia in Boston: Paul Rico and John Connolly ended up being turned into villains while the Mafia members are put on pedestals by some of the federal court judges?
I still want to look at the horrid Massachusetts justice system where those out of luck get heaps of bad luck thrown on them to keep them down. Keep in mind that the only profession that has not changed in any significant manner since the 19th Century is the law profession. The judges, public employees all, get their pay checks whether they better things or not. Imagine in 2017 the federal courts still do not allow the public to view the trial proceedings and the FBI still will not record interviews with others on recording devices done off its premises.
These things I want to consider more and it takes time to do this and daily blogging eats up much of the time involved in doing it.
In sum you will be hearing less from me but I’ll still be lurking around looking to call out about some things that seem wrong.
Happy New Year.
Happy New Year
Happy new year, Matt!
TWO Russians on FBI Most wanted List for YEARS!!!!! Big Rewards…Mercy..coulda made Cop of the Month
Alleged Russian Hackers Are Among FBI’s Most Wanted ABC News – 3 days ago The two men are notorious hackers on the FBI’s most-wanted cyber list who were singled … Two Russian criminals hit with US sanctions are on FBI Most Wanted list Fox News – 3 days ago Alleged Russian Hackers Are Among FBI’s ‘Most Wanted’ KTRK-TV – 3 days ago More news for russians on FBI Most wanted list Two Russian criminals hit with US sanctions are on FBI Most Wanted ……/two-russian-criminals-hit-with-us-sanctions-are-on-fbi-most-wante... 3 days ago – A version of the malware known as “GameOver Zeus” sparked more than a million computer infections, according to the FBI. The bureau is offering up to $100,000 for information leading to Belan’s arrest — and a whopping $3 million for Bogachev. Two suspected Russian hackers already on FBI’s ‘Most Wanted’ list …
….que the Whitey joke.
Good luck. You’ve made a wise decision. Most professional columnists do two per week. It is for a good reason. A daily grind takes too much out of one. It leads to repetition and burn out. Example, Andrew Sullivan.
Suggestion as to Connolly. The courts are immovable. A pardon would require Connolly to admit guilt which he may be too stubborn to do. The most promising way to get Connolly out is a petition to commute the sentence to time served as an act of clemency. The skills required are more organizational than legal. The case to be made works best as humanitarian with an emphasis on the burden his incarceration puts on his family.
Slán leat, a chara Matt.
A final contribution to those perhaps making a documentary about making fake documentaries warning of the neo-Nazi threat Trump brings to the nation. Add them to the myriad tales of exposed hoaxes of non-existent hate-crimes and the amazing psychic abilities of the Russians in predicting the truth in thousands of emails from Podesta, HRC, and the rest of that corrupt crowd. The hate was untrue and the disclosed emails were true. Surely, Verum est mirabilius fictionem
“The shelved fake reality show—titled Escaping the KKK: A Documentary Series Exposing Hate in America—was billed by its producer Rob Sharenow as being “not rehearsed or prepackaged.” But according to Robert Nichols of the Tennessee White Knights of the Invisible Empire into two cross burnings “’cause they wanted to reshoot the scenes.” He says that the whole idea of a cross burning was “100% the TV guys’ idea and staged.”
I hope the FBI and SLC agents working diligently undercover as Klansmen turned the bribery money over to the DOJ.
There’s nothing fake about Tadzio. He’s a Brown-shirt, and, proud of it. How about you Henry, do you prefer the black uniform, or, a simple set of sheets?
Matt, everyone will miss your daily ,professional,objective views on just about
every topic under the sun. Happy and healthy new Year to you and good luck
with all your 2017 endeavors. Feel free to reach out if you want. Also HAPPY New
Matt, don’t go too far off the grid. We need more truth.
Matt, like many other readers, I am so very grateful for all your thorough, diligent, compelling and spirited writing. Happy New Year!
That you are taking this tack towards handling the other things on your plate is such good news! I’m particularly interested in the Connolly case and in the evil of Wyshak and all that surrounds him. (Oh, and all things FBI, too.)
FWIW part 1: I look forward to any talks you might give–on any topic–at, say, a local library.
FWIW part 2: I would actually prefer that any strength that unions might have be present in the private sector. Echoing (somewhat) both FDR and JFK, I don’t have much use for public-sector unions.
FWIW part 3: How do you think that we readers might influence the Trump administration to investigate the travesty of justice that Florida courts have dumped on John Connolly? Or is it all a pipe dream?
Hello Matt, What will all of us “snow birds” do without your words of wisdom. Our wives will at least be happier because without your blog we will be spending more time at Carson Beach with them. Happy New Year to you and all of your family from the old Gang at 18 O’Callahan. Slainte
Good luck, Matt.
As things fall apart, I hope, after a rest, you can be pressed back into service. What is, and, what’s coming, will need analysis. The neo-Nazi movement is too great a threat to ignore, and, who’ll talk about the war? I’m missing you, already.
Thanks for all the insight and information on this great blog. Particularly when it comes to Organized crime in the New England area. I too am curious about John Connolly and Paul Rico being vilified by the media. Question regarding Paul Rico. What role did he play in the Roger Wheeler murder? It cant possibly be a coincidence that he was hired by Roger Wheeler and Rico did have a long history with the cast of characters that planned his murder no? It really is a strange tale of corruption and what the FBI knew and didnt know regarding what their informants were doing crime wise.
Have you read the book by Vinnie Teresa titled MY LIFE IN THE MAFIA (something like that)
HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and your family?
New Year. New start for America.
Extry, Extry, “Non-Politician Wins US Presidential Election- New Hope Abounds”
Traces of Teddy in “The Trump.”
“Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure… than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.”
That’s our Trump. Balls of Steel. Now America has them again.
Thank you for that Mr. Trump…..I mean President Trump.
“Happy 2017 and A Goodbye to……All That Democratic Babble……”
Everybody say Goodbye to Crooked Hillary….
Bye Bye Crooked Hillary.
May the thought of “no Hillary, Bill or Chelsea” help to sustain us in the coming years!
It’s a euphemism for the whole machine including their surrogate son and daughter Barry & Shelly……….but hmmm you might have something there….they could be grooming Chelsea to be a “candidate.”
Happy New Year.
….” The Manchelsean Candidate”
I have been quietly following your blog for years and I will miss your daily input into my life. Waking to your wisdom on so many topics has helped round my mind. I look forward to the answers to all of the questions you leave us with. Please don’t be gone long – I want More.
Matt: Happy New Years to you and thanks for all the thought-provoking blogs; and Happy New Years too to all who contribute here. The exchange of ideas is edifying. Let’s hope and pray 2017 brings a little more light, peace, justice, good will and understanding to our world, and a lot less of terrorism, war, oppression, hunger, disease, Orwellian-double talk, political correctness, and neoconic interventionism.
Wishing you a great 2017 and thanking you for past favors