9 thoughts on “It’s That Time of Year: The Ball Is Put In Play. The Quarterback Speaks.

  1. Cape Cod is next

    Scribbling for environmental, social and economic justice
    Shades of a Canfield Ocean — Hydrogen Sulfide in Oregon’s Purple Waves?
    Are we already starting to awaken some of the horrors of the ancient hothouse ocean? Are dangerous, sea and land life killing, strains of primordial hydrogen sulfide producing bacteria starting to show up in the increasingly warm and oxygen-starved waters of the US West Coast? This week’s disturbing new reports of odd-smelling, purple-colored waves appearing along the Oregon coastline are a sign that it may be starting to happen.

    Purple Waves

    (Purple waves wash over the Oregon beach of Neskowin on August 15. A form of hydrogen sulfide consuming bacteria is known to color water purple. Is this an indicator that the deadly gas is present in Oregon’s waters? Image source: Jeanine Sbisa and Beach Connection.)

    A Dangerous Beauty

    Oregon beachgoers and ocean researchers alike are flummoxed. There’s something strange in the water. Something that’s coloring the waves of Oregon’s beaches purple even as the off-shore waters are painted greenish-blue. These puzzling purple waves have been washing up along the Oregon Coastline for the better part of a month. And no-one seems to know exactly what’s causing it.

    Eyewitness photographer Jeanine Sbisa described the scene at Neskowin:

    “The purple was only on the edge of the water. I did not see any patches in the deeper water. ( in fact the deeper water was a beautiful turquoise, instead of the deep blue that it usually is at Winema). Some of the waves were a deep clear purple. Other waves in other segments were a rich foamy lilac color. The colors were amazing. Very beautiful.”

    All up and down Oregon’s coastline similar reports have been surfacing. Oregon State Park Ranger Dane Osis photo documented another incident at Fort Stevens State Park near Astoria. And eyewitnesses at some locations have described a ‘funky smell’ issuing from some of the purple-colored waters.

    Initial reports have claimed that there’s no evidence the purple waters are harmful. But such assertions may well be premature.

    Purple Sulfur Bacteria

    At issue is the fact that the waters off Oregon are increasingly warm. They are increasingly low oxygen or even anoxic. Conditions that are prime for the production of some of the world’s nastiest ancient species of microbes. The rotten-eggs smelling hydrogen sulfide producing varieties. The variety that paint the waters green (or turquoise as described by Jeanine Sbisa above) or even an ugly black. And there is one primordial creature in particular that thrives in warm, low-oxygen, funky-smelling water. An organism that’s well known for coloring bodies of water purple — the purple sulfur bacteria.

    Purple Canfield Ocean

    (Artist’s rendering of what a Canfield Ocean may have looked like. A Canfield Ocean is a deadly hothouse ocean state implicated in 5 of 6 major mass extinction events. And, perhaps, we see a hint of this deadly ocean along the Oregon coast today. Image source: Biogeochemistry.)

    In order for blooms of purple sulfur bacteria to form, waters have to be low in oxygen or anoxic. There has to be hydrogen sulfide gas present in the water. And the water has to be relatively warm. This is because the bacteria is warmth-loving, anaerobic, and it uses the sulfur in hydrogen sulfide gas as part of its energy production process.

    In the current day, the purple sulfur bacteria is present in anoxic lakes and geothermal vents. But during ancient times and during times of hothouse extinction, the purple sulfur bacteria are thought to have thrived in the world’s oceans — painting them the strange tell-tale purple we see hints of along the Oregon shoreline today. A purple that was the hallmark color of a life-killing hothouse ocean.

    In his ground-breaking book “Under a Green Sky,” Dr. Peter Ward vividly describes what a Canfield Ocean may have looked like:

    Finally we look out on the surface of the great sea itself, and as far as the eye can see there is a mirrored flatness, an ocean without whitecaps. Yet that is not the biggest surprise. From shore to the horizon, there is but an unending purple colour – a vast, flat, oily purple, not looking at all like water, not looking anything of our world. No fish break its surface, no birds or any other kind of flying creatures dip down looking for food. The purple colour comes from vast concentrations of floating bacteria, for the oceans of Earth have all become covered with a hundred-foot-thick [30m] veneer of purple and green bacterial soup.

    The purple sulfur reducing bacteria, though not dangerous themselves, live in a kind of conjoined relationship with the much more deadly hydrogen sulfide producing bacteria. The purple, is therefore, a tell-tale of the more deadly bacteria’s presence. And hydrogen sulfide producing bacteria may well be the most dangerous organism ever to have existed on the planet — largely responsible for almost all the great extinction events in Earth’s deep history. For hydrogen sulfide itself is directly toxic to both land and ocean-based life. Its deadly effects are increased at higher temperatures. And not only is it directly toxic in both water and air, if it enters the upper atmosphere it also destroys the ozone layer.

    (Video shot on July 18 [please excuse the colorful language] showing purple waters and dead jellies, barnacles and mussels on another Pacific Ocean beach. Video source: Gezzart.)

    Purple waters are a sign that the little organisms that produce this deadly agent may be starting to bloom in an ocean whose health is increasingly ailing. Tiny tell-tales that we’re on a path toward a hothouse Canfield Ocean state. A path we really don’t want to continue along through the ongoing burning of fossil fuels. For that way leads toward another great dying.


    Purple Waves Puzzle Oregon Coastal Scientists

    Awakening the Horrors of the Ancient Hothouse — Hydrogen Sulfide in the World’s Warming Oceans

    Purple Sulfur Bacteria

    Canfield Ocean

    Under a Green Sky


    Hat Tip to Wharf Rat


  2. As Obama rounds the clubhouse turn…coming into the home-stretch and the beginning of his status as a lame duck…

    This just in (NY Times)…



    He may be the first sitting President to visit Alaska , but that shouldn’t give him the right to desecrate the memory and legacy of former President William McKinley (assassinated in 1901) whom the mountain was named for, while he was campaigning for his first term in 1896?
    Obama ignored McKinley’s home-state (Ohio) lawmakers’ opposition to the name change, and sided with an Alaskan Senator and a “no objection” stance from one employee of the Department of the Interior.

    Is this the type of crap we are going to start to see, and have to put up with for the next year and a half?…WTH?

    Why didn’t he go traditional route to appease the Native American community up there and push through a shiny new casino, a more practical gesture and one that would have benefitted them in financial perpetuity?

    Nice move, Bary !!!!!

    1. Rather:

      Whys stop at Mount McKinley? I was reading about the Battle of Little Bighorn and learned it was called the Battle of the Greasy Grass by those who fought the U.S. Army. That should be changed. Then again we have an bust of Joseph Stalin at the National D Day Memorial even though he had nothing to do with D day and was even worse than Benji Ditchman.

        1. Rather:

          I thought that a good idea so I went over to the bench but decided against it when I got there because Benji was sitting there.

      1. Dave:

        True – but the mountain is on U.S. owns the land and that means the people of the U.S. have something to say about it and that last I checked Ohioans were Americans.

        1. I think Alaskan’s should have more of a say than some contrarian republican state lawmakers in Ohio.

          U.S. Interior Secretary Sally Jewell explained that she signed her Secretarial Order shortly before President Barack Obama’s visit to Alaska this week because Alaskans have never called their mountain anything but Denali. Furthermore, their state officials and lawmakers have been asking for an official name change for over 40 years, only to have it blocked over and over again by the long-dead McKinley’s zombie boosters in Ohio.

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