I wrote at about 3:30 pm: “Just got in from a little walk. We are number one in coronavirus cases in the world. Within twenty-four hours we will have exceeded 100,000 positive cases. Three days ago-on March 24 at 5:00 p.m. we had 49,126.
We will also exceed 1,500 deaths. Three days ago we had 674. No one is predicting a let up. No one is taking any measures to seriously deal with it. Leadership from Washington is deficient and absent.”
I should have said within four hours. We now have 101,657 cases and 1,581 deaths. Look at Italy, almost a 1,000 deaths a day with a serious lock down. More than 4,800 healthcare workers in Italy have tested positive for coronavirus, accounting for about 9% of the country’s total cases.
How do we function when all the health care workers are sick? People here still walking around without masks and in groups as if nothing is happening. Where’s our leadership? Isn’t it time to take this seriously which we have not done.
I’m adding this after the original post. I urge everyone to take a simple step. Please wear a mask outside. This should be a country mandated requirement. Why can’t this be done? The Asian countries do it; the Western don’t. Isn’t that why Asia is beating this.
The blame game doesn’t go far enough!
It needs to be spread farther—President, CDC, governors (who didn’t shut down the larger cities in their states, beaches, celebrations like Mardi Gras, and conferences held in your local hotels like the Biogen in Boston, the first of March), and especially the medical society.
The hospitals just weren’t prepared, even after reading and knowing about the China fiasco. Recently they have ordered equipment only to find they are at the bottom of the delivery line after the Feds. They can’t wash and launder the ppe’s to return to the workers on a timely basis as most send all of their laundry to outside sources and that takes time.
We can believe the Feds will send the equipment they have ordered and received to areas most needed, as I’m sure other facilities have over ordered and will hoard what they believe they desperately need.
It’s a scary situation and we need our elected officials and appointed officials to work together, stop the “blame game”.
We will not be in the churches by Easter, unfortunately.
Nice to hear from you. How are you? How is Matty? He’s so cute and cuddly. Got a wonderful Christmas card from him and his parents. I bet you miss holding him. How’s the better (?) half holding up. I hope you guys are wearing masks if you do any shopping or are around other people. I’m convinced the only way we slow down the virus — aside from isolation, and social distancing, is to follow the Asian example and wear masks. Were I governor I’d mandate that it be done. I guess that’s why I’m not.
My initial response to you was to go off on a diatribe blaming Trump. Then I calmed down a bit and decided to save it for a post. What you write is true. It is scary – it is going to be a long haul – what we must do is isolate ourselves as much as possible and hope something breaks for the better. I’d hope in this age of artificial intelligence they would have better ways to come up with medicines that might ameliorate the most harmful effects of the virus and more quickly develop a vaccine.
Stay in touch. Your neighbors are set to leave Florida this am. Hope they have a safe trip. Then I guess they have to isolate for fourteen days. Right now it is hard to believe that the light at the end of the tunnel is a big freight train coming at us to run us all down. Stay safe. Say hello to all for us. And, Happy Easter if I don’t hear from you before then. It’s too bad the Easter bunny won’t be coming this year for lots of kids. I heard he, or is it she, too has the virus.
Masks should not be distributed or available until the entire first-responder and medical community is fully supplied.
Hutch: people can make their own masks. A T shirt wrapped over nose and mouth gives 70% of medical mask. The hospital workers and first responders need better masks, Trump admin having masks made from cotton no better than you can make ar home. Look at the difference between Asia and the West. It is the masks.
My daughter was at grocery store today. She wore masks. Two or three others did. 95% of people didn’t. One infected person with no symptoms walking around there could y infects many others.
Mary and I do not shop-we get delivery. We sanitize everything from the store. Today I picked up my truck. The keys were wiped, the bill was sprayed, he handed my wiped credit card through a window opened @,.5″. I haven’t interacted with the grand kids except through skype.
We do yard work and play scrabble. Life is good.
We’re pretty much doing the same things. Daughter shopped for us today. Don’t bring any packages into house unless in garage 48 hours. Washing hands a lot. Interacting with kids and grandkids on phone and Duo. Got tons of books I have to catch up on, things to write, etc. and keeping social distancing.
Glad to see you doing the same type things. Too many people don’t seem to taking it seriously. I don’t know why. I’d much rather overreact than otherwise. I’m convinced we won’t stop this without masks. I’m really amazed no one in a leadership position is pressing it. Hopefully someone will.
Take care
A liberal is someone who walks out of
the room when a argument turns into
a fight.
A conservative is a liberal who has been
Here in Maine we soldier on and fight
the good fight.
John Kerry says Kentucky congressman ‘tested positive for being an a–hole’
MAR 27, 2020 | 1:43 PM
Maine sail-maintenance shop turns to sewing medical masks
The North Sails workshop in South Freeport has started making masks for caregivers who need protection
The bigger question is why we let the FBI elect Donald
Trump to represent the Deep State.
An active barometer of your situational awareness can be
measured by you identifying your members of Congress
being blackmailed by the FBI.