Sometimes I watch these national ceremonies and sometimes I don’t. I didn’t watch the McCain funeral or the events surrounding it. I watched the Reagan funeral and was quite impressed with the manner in which it was handled and the precise choreography of each military action. I decided to watch the George H. W. Bush…
Dem Were Da Days! Growing Up In Savin Hill. “Over The Bridge” (2 of 2)
The Woods were a place unlike many others in a city. If you click on the map to the left to get a larger view you will see they are designated as “Savin Hill Park” under the number 9. This is a map of what Savin Hill looked like when I first moved to the…
Dem Were Da Days! Growing Up In Savin Hill. “Over The Bridge” (1 of 2)
GOK wrote to ask where was “over the bridge” in Savin Hill. I explained it was somewhat like “the other side of the tracks,” indicative of another part of the town. That expression though has come to mean a part of a town that is considered poor and dangerous which was obviously not what “over the bridge”…
The Death of President George H. W. Bush During A Bush League Presidency: Oh How A Mighty Nation Has Fallen.
We should all know what the term “bush league” refers to but for those uninitiated in the patois of the common man I’ll set out a definition I found that seems to encompass it: “mean, petty, unprofessional,” 1906, from baseball slang for the small-town baseball clubs below the minor league where talent was developed (by 1903),…
The Savin Hill Reunion: A Night To Remember: 4 of 4
Billy C____, Neal C____ and Jim C____ were the main attractions at my table. The former two were members of a formidable gang called the Corn Poppers. Just its name struck fear in the hearts of others. Lots of their old friends popped in to say hello. Billy J____ as tough as nails dropped by…
The Savin Hill Reunion: A Night To Remember: 3 of 4
Talking about Gerry D____ reminded me about another girl we all fell for – I forget who it was now, either Joanne C____, Joanne B____, or Beverly C____. She wouldn’t give us the time of day. I’ll never forget sitting across from Baldie Sheehan’s when Gerry said he knew who was going out with her…