On October 12, 1915, in New York City, Teddy Roosevelt spoke to an assembly of the Knights of Columbus holding its annual event on Columbus Day. It was an important event to have an ex-president addressing it. Teddy’s speech has been billed as the “Unhypenated America” Speech but it was so much more. On September 20,…
Author T.J. English’s Ill Advised Foray into the Great Whitey Myth: 5 of 5
The problem with coming to Boston with little knowledge of the truth as English did makes him end up writing: “The framing of innocent citizens in a capital-murder case by withholding evidence and suborning perjury – all to protect notorious criminals who were government informants – became the dirty secret of federal law enforcement in New…
Author T.J. English’s Ill Advised Foray into the Great Whitey Myth: 4 of 5
After Whitey’s arrest in 2011 English’s interest in the case was again piqued. He decided to make a telephone call to incarcerated FBI agent John Connolly who is doing time on the Florida panhandle having been wrongly convicted of the murder of John Callahan. He persuaded Connolly to speak to him on the telephone. Why…
Author T.J. English’s Ill Advised Foray into the Great Whitey Myth: 3 of 5
English writes, “Bulger’s role in the Boston gang wars became the stuff of legend.” Yet we know Bulger was in prison during the gang war. He refers to the state police as the “Massachusetts State Patrol.” He has FBI agents Rico and Condon approaching Whitey “on numerous occasions” when it was only Condon who interacted…
Author T.J. English’s Ill Advised Foray into the Great Whitey Myth: 2 of 5
Soon after Stevie arrived they started to eliminate the Mullins who might be a threat to Whitey. Winter and Martorano would pretty much run the show up until 1979 when a federal case concerning race fixing sent them to prison or on the lam. Flemmi was a long time FBI informant. Whitey may have been….
What To Make Of The Kavanaugh 11th Hour Attack: Horns of A Dilemma. Big Questions To Answer
Brett Kavanaugh seemed to have sailed over the low hurdles that faced him on the track as he raced to his appointment as an associate justice on the United States Supreme Court as he entered the final turn. Then, instead of seeing another low hurdle like the ones he had easily passed, he faced a…