Watching the staged meeting where Trump and Kim Jong Un walked across the room on a red carpet in front of an embarrassing and crude scene of a dozen flags of the United States and North Korea placed next to each other in alternating places (talk about respecting the flag) was far from exhilarating. I…
Posthumous Pardons: Don’t Help the Dead. Are They Right To Do?
While Trump fretted because he was not thanked by Jack Johnson for his pardon it nevertheless made me smile when I heard that he had pardoned Johnson who was an interesting guy. His conviction was pretty much based upon the idea he violated the conventions of the day being a black man he consorted with…
The Man Who Did Not Thank Trump For His Pardon.
I went out for coffee with a friend who works in DC the other day. He (the use of the masculine gender does not necessary reflect the gender of my friend) has some buddies in DC from whom he gets the skinny on what’s the deal with inside the White House and passes it on…
The Summit of Petulants: No Way It Can End Well
There are probably no two people who meet the definition of petulant, that is: one who is “childishly sulky or bad-tempered” as defined by the Oxford dictionary or if you prefer the Merriam-Webster dictionary: : “insolent or rude in speech or behavior” than the two individuals who will get together tomorrow in Singapore for the so-called summit….
Trump Should Be Impeached for Not Understanding the Role of a President
One would think that a person who became president of the United States would have at least a bare boned idea of what was involved in performing that job. Unfortunately, the present occupant of that office has not got a clue. Really. How could it be? Perhaps because he is a guy who doesn’t read….
There’s A Sick Man in the Oval Office: Did We Elect Whitey Bulger as President?
I could only think that Whitey Bulger was in the White House when I read the latest tweet from the president. Maybe you don’t know who Whitey Bulger is so perhaps I should explain. He was a local hoodlum in the Boston area. He grew up in a small section of the city known as…