Apologies to Tennessee Ernie Ford’s Lyrics to 16 Tons You fight 16 years and what do you get, Another day older and deeper in debt St. Peter please help us ‘cause you want to know, The generals plan to continue the show. The President Trump says we are going to fight on to victory. The…
The Deep State: Do You Like It? Do You Hate it?
I have to admit I did not know about the Deep State until the last couple of months or so. It seems to be something that washed up on shore along with the Trump Administration. All I seemed to know of it was that it is so well buried that people like me cannot see…
Let Them Stand! Understanding Monuments
Hard not to have thoughts about the many situations roiling our country. One is the “tear down Confederate monuments” uproar that follows on the Confederate flag brouhaha of some years back and the Charlottesville Tiki march of a few days ago. One thought incorporated into supporting their removal is to note that “the vast majority…
The Second Boston Massacre: Victim: Free Speech
It will be called the Boston Model. It will be the way for those in power to pretend they support free speech while starving it to death. It reminds me of several things. One is the time the Democrats changed the rules in the Senate allowing federal judicial nominees other those to the Supreme Court…
John Connolly Week: (10 of 10) – You Ain’t Gonna Win Here!
The Florida appeals decision in Connolly’s case reminds me of the story of this well-educated black man John Jackson who went to vote in Florida during its Jim Crow days where blacks were not allowed to vote unless they passed a test. The test consisted of three questions: the first he had to name the…
In Memoriam: Quincy Police Detective Peter Gallagher – A Great Friend
In my career as a prosecution which mainly involved working with investigatory police units doing electronic surveillance I was fortunate that with a rare exception to work with fine, honest, courageous, dedicated men (women officers were not part of these special units). I was proud to have known them especially to see from the inside…