We have no input into what we are. We have much input into what we become. How is it so, so, many people are proud of what they had nothing to do with? How is it they lack any pride at all in what they did have something to do with? I am writing about…
Pro-Life Until Birth: The Amazing Conundrum
Many are fierce advocates for the Pro-Life position. Some suggest abortion under any circumstance must be condemned. Others are Pro-Life but admit exceptions being willing to accept that a woman raped need not give birth to the rapist’s child and she may have an abortion even though it is taking the life of the…
Understanding Donald Trump: A Man With No Real Friends
I am amazed that at this late date people are unable to figure out Donald Trump. Here is the basic thing you must understand. The most important thing to him is himself as he imagines himself. He craves praise. He covets having been seen as the best in whatever he does. That is why so…
The Two Party System Leading America Over the Edge
How did you like that French election? Did it teach you anything. You know like did it remind you of the American election in any way that made you wonder if our system is a little out of whack? I thought of this after I read a column in the Washington Post the other…
Aaron Hernandez’s Death Brings Judicial and Media Nonsense: Only in Massachuestts
It is as if you watched the Super Bowl last February and then the local Massachusetts Superior Court judge said she would hold a hearing on who won the Super Bowl. If you lived outside Massachusetts you would scratch your head and say what’s the point. If you lived in Massachusetts you’d know the courtroom…
The Clinton Follies (CF) “One Corrupt Deed Begets Another.”
Hardly a man (or woman) is now alive in America who doesn’t remember the Clintons ride to riches on the back of their Clinton Foundation (CF) set up to do some “good deeds”. It was a cute way to get donations from people and to place a tissue wall between them and the donors. So…