North Korea (NK) is an intractable problem. It is not a country to be messed with. I suggest that one can take judicial notice of that. For were we able to do anything about it we would have done so by now. A little history. This report tells us that when LB Johnson was president:…
Happy Easter
He has risen.
Mystery Solved: Why Money Guys Were in Trump’s War Room
It was late Thursday night April 6, 2017 when news flashed out that The Trump had ordered a cruise missile strike on Syria. Raytheon makes cruise missiles and they cost about a million a pop. So that was 59 million in U.S. dollars that would have to go to Raytheon to reimburse it for giving…
Was Marathon Bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev An FBI Informant? The One Question To Ask.
There are reports that the FBI just released a report of an interview with Tamerlan Tsarnaev who was the instigator and lead actor in the Boston Marathon Terrorist attack that killed three people and maimed many others. The report is here. It’s contents are not as important as the circumstances surrounding it and the date…
Will Trump Dump Spicer and Bannon? The Thin Skinned Leader
Trump’s way of doing business is so obvious that the simple answer to the above question is a resounding “yes.” They have caused embarrassment for him so they must go. One thing you must know is Trump is not a loyal guy. It’s not how long you have been doing things for him that counts…
Trump’s War Room: Where’s Alan Greenspan?
The Trump who has Obama running around banging on the walls of his mind with a sledge hammer driving him as close to Bedlam as one can come and still not be in a straitjacket does everything with the idea that if he can do one better than Obama then maybe the incessant pounding will…