When the attack by poison gas on the Syrian children and adults occurred Trump responded by tweeting that it was “a consequence of the past administration’s weakness and irresolution.” It was typical of Trump to point to the Obama administration. This is the lodestone in his mind from which he measures himself in the White House….
Trump and FOX and the Russians
It’s the Trumpster’s lap dog, FOX News. It is worse than Pravda at its height; speaking of that, not one Russian news station carried the news of the protests in 99 Russian cities on Sunday. According to one article “Indeed, all of the state run channels ignored the rallies.” Imagine if we only had Fox…
Truly The Man Is Imbalanced: And That is Being Kind
The pool report of Trump’s speech last night to a group including some U.S. senators had him saying the following: “Nobody ever told me that politics was going to be so much fun,” Trump said as he took the stage while Melanie sat down. “We are doing well, I just had a long call with…
Whitey’s Woes: No Time For Reflection
Writing about South Boston (Southie) brings Whitey back to mind. He was born on September 3, 1929 which makes him just about a dozen years short of 100. I was wondering whether doing time in prison shortens or lengthens the average life span of a person. There is the lack of stress of having to earn…
Oh The Russians and The Americans Must Be Friends
With apologies to Oklahoma: Oh, the Russian and the American should be friends, Oh, the Russian and the American should be friends. One leader like to kills his foes, The other likes to count his dough, But that’s no reason why they cain’t be friends. It is sort of scary to me how many Americans…
The Man From Bizarro Land: The Trumpster
It must be good being a Trump supporter and knowing of the close connection between Trump and Bob Kraft. Or perhaps even the connection between Trump and Ike Perlmutter the head of Marvel comics who along with Bob Kraft, who flew down to Mar-a-Largo in Air Force One with Trump, had dinner with Trump on…