I woke at Thursday morning sometime before 7 a.m. I checked the news on my smart phone to see the state of affairs and went to the Boston papers. Running down the headlines in the Herald I saw there was posted a comment by Chester Darling a well-respected and highly competent lawyer.. The headline was:…
Chester Darling, St. Patrick’s Day Parade, Boston Herald: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way into the Morning
Sorry – the instruction which accompanied this comment to the publishing staff was to publish this tomorrow at 8:00 a.m. For some reason it was sent out prematurely and I have asked that it be withdrawn. I expect that it will go out tomorrow at 8:00 am. We are checking the cell phones of all…
Do You Identify More with Your Country or Religion or Race
Have you ever asked yourself that question? What is the most important thing in your life aside from your family: your country, your religion or your race? One way to figure that out is who do you feel more comfortable with? Do you prefer the company of your race regardless of the nation they come…
The Ignorance of the Tweeter in Chief – D.Trump-a-dope
D.Trump the supreme con man is engaged in a rope a doping with his plan to destroy the health care for millions of Americans. If he knew what he was doing when it came to Obamacare (Affordable Care Act) that would be one thing but it was obvious early on whenever he spoke of it…
Mid-Monday Notes: Watch For Upcoming Series On Gardner Museum and Connolly Parole
The Gardner Museum Heist happened 27 years ago this March 17/18. I have received information from a person who suggests how it was done along with a description of the culprits. I will be reviewing the history of the Gardner Heist, the information available, and the new theory leading up to the 27th anniversary. I…
The Dining Room General aka Draft Ducker Trump Will Show Us How To Win
Can you think of anything worse than a guy who faked a disability to avoid wearing his country’s uniform during the Vietnam War who then turns around and complains about those who did serve in the military? (Perhaps that is why when he uses the word “fake” I recall what a fake his is.) Here…