“Evil seemeth at some time a good to one whose mind the god is leading to ruin, ” is an old Greek saying. Is there any surer indication of a man who is going over the slippery edge than what we see in D.Trump? It is not the so-called “fake news” that has shown how he…
Stop FBI Leaks! Fire the Leaker in Chief FBI Deputy Director McCabe
Both NC and Bill (and others) take umbrage at some of my observations of D.Trump as is their right when they disagree. Their observations are fine and respected because in part they allow me to think of some things differently although not necessarily in the way they intended. Most recently NC pointed out that this…
One “National Emergency” Away From Disaster 4 of 4
(3) The willingness of those in uniform to follow orders. Those in civilian uniforms who take an oath to protect us such as our neighbors and friends can become unrecognizable under extenuating circumstances. Acting within the group and as a pack they can become as dangerous as pack wolves on the Steppes as described in…
One “National Emergency” Away From Disaster 3 of 4
You think it could never happen in America that D.Trump could shut down the media he deems hostile and suspend our Constitutional rights. But it has happened in the past and it happened under more than one president. President Adams in 1798 in response to a French threat had his Alien and Sedition Acts. One Federalist in…
One “National Emergency” Away From Disaster 2 of 4
I pointed out how D.Trump’s use of language puts him in the company of the most vile leaders who ever existed. Unlike Stalin who attached the label “enemies of the people” to the kulaks and other opponents of his rule; or Hitler who attached it to the Jews and then the others he decided to vilify…
One “National Emergency” Away From Disaster 1 of 4
Reading the other day I read these words: “America is not burdened with the history of tyranny and totalitarianism that haunts Russia. We have a 229-year record of success with constitutional democracy that should outlast the Trump era.” I thought to myself “I hope so but our history is not as successful as the writer…