As you can tell from the photograph on this page I did accept the invitation to visit our president-elect Donald Trump at his transition headquarters in New York City. The visit was supposed to be secret but an AP photographer called to me as I was going past two policeman. I stopped and turned back to…
Women Going Topless; Men Using Women’s Bathhouses; Welcome to Massachusetts
Only in Massachusetts could the people pass an amendment to the Massachusetts Constitution that said judges have to retire at age 70 and judges decide they do not have to retire at age 70. The problem with having these people on the public payroll is they want to stay on the public payroll as long…
Today I Think I’ll Be A Couch Potato: Now How Does A Couch Potato Dress?
I sort of chuckled when I read about a new law in Massachusetts that deals with gender identification. I pictured myself as an employer waiting for a person to come in and interview for a job. I’m a conscientious law-abiding guy who wants to stay on the good side of the law. I’m reading the…
Roman Catholic Church’s Massive Violation of Civil Rights in Massachusetts
It is Sunday. The day Christians have set aside for us to pause and think of God. Often it is called the Lord’s Day. I believe this is the right time for us to consider this matter in a calm, relaxed manner while our thoughts are not on earthly matters. Just when you think you…
Some Things You Accept; Some Things You Don’t Do
As a young lawyer I had a case before the Industrial Relations Board at 100 Cambridge Street, Boston. I was representing some poor guy who had been injured on his job. He was trying to get what the law said he was entitled to receive. The insurance company was trying to save a few dollars…
Trump The Cowardly Basement Bully: We’ve Got Real Problems
There are many things that bother me about Trump being our new president. Perhaps the worst is I believe he is a coward. Yes, the worse kind of coward. The type I call the basement hero who hides in the basement of his house and tells how outrageous things are but when in a face-to-face…