The Boston Globe had an article the other day that I thought worth following up on by posting its main points here. It is a good time to read about and ponder them because I expect most of you will while your time away in unproductive activity in front of the TV this Sunday because the…
The Trump Foulies: The Man From The Locker Room
Surprised! I am. Not at what most of those Republicans candidates on the lower part of the ticket who are fleeing from their association with the guy at the top like rats from a sinking ship are surprised at. I am surprised that they are surprised that the guy is a pig and…
It’s All About Me: I Go To BC: The Me – Me Feel Good March
Its location on the front page caught my attention when I went to the site of the newspaper to check up on the day’s news. It was about a protest denouncing Boston College’s response to a gay slur on campus. A photograph by a staff photographer for the newspaper was displayed along with the story….
Was FBI Director Comey Compromised? Is He His Brother’s Keeper?
A hat tip to Doug who alerted me to this. If you’ve been with me for a time I have suggested the FBI Director James Comey is following in the footsteps of J. Edgar Hoover the guy who ran the FBI for more than 48 years. I’ve noted it seems he is interested in pushing…
Paying Taxes: A Simple Question To Be Asked
When I was in the Marines I was earning $314.00 a month or a little more than $10.00 a day. It was a lot of money for me at the time especially as I was in Japan some of the time and the cost of items over there was very inexpensive. The rate was 360…
The Irish Exception:
I grew up in inner city Irish neighborhoods where outside of us Irish we had a smattering of Polish, Lithuanians, other Eastern Europeans and Italians. No blacks, Asians or Jews hung around with us and if there were any Protestants they kept that to themselves. It wasn’t that we had any problems with other kids…