I have often wondered how some dictators have come to power in countries through the free ballot. I can see it now in the actions of the Trumpeteers. They are a small group of disgruntled people who have been motivated by a seemingly innocuous and meaningless slogan “make America great again” which when coupled with…
Make America Grate Again: The Horror of the Trump Candidacy
Grate as defined by the dictionary I just took off my shelf (Webster’s Dictionary, Pictorial Edition, Unabridged, printed in Springfield in May 1859) is defined as: “To offend; to fret; to vex; to irritate; to mortify; as, harsh words grate the heart; they are grating to the feelings; harsh sounds grate the ears.” That’s what…
The Man Who Cannot Win And The Party That Should Be Dissolved
Driving to town I was surprised. I saw a Donald Trump (DT) sign. “What kind of nut lives there,” I thought. Over the years there have been candidates for the office of the presidency who I did not like but never thought that the people supporting them were nuts. Who would want a man like…
Guns and Dead Police Officers: How Long Do We Put Up With It?
BBC hd an interview with a Black Lives Matter guy in Dallas. He belongs to some defense league. He says they are at war with the police because the police are at war with them. The BBC showed footage of a couple of dozen, maybe more, black men and women marching around carrying automatic rifles. …
Sing A Song of Mikepence
Sing a song of MikePence, A belly full of wry. That’s what Trump must of had To go choose that guy. Donald wanted someone Hoping to change his fate So he picked a Hoosier As his running mate. Trump thought himself clever Playing to right wing hopes Mike was in the cloakroom Hanging Donald’s coat Donald…
The Horror of Hillary Holding the Highest Honor
No criminal charges will be forthcoming against Hillary. Only the truly dumb would ever believe there was a chance that she would have been charged. What person, even those of the highest integrity, such as Loretta Lynch or James Comey, would deprive her of her chance to gain the presidency. You would need some highly…