I came across this here in the Washington Post. It is one woman’s story of innocence lost. I would make it mandatory weekly reading for all university presidents, athletic directors, and coaches. All male athletes would be required to read it prior to entering any college or university. It is long powerful statement by a…
Ken Starr: A Bright Man With No Moral Compass – He Will Not Be Missed
I came across this article. It is about the woman who would be president and the way she likes to treat people. But there is another part of it that I found more interesting since the first part should be well-known to any who has paid the least bit attention to American politics and that is…
It’s Time for The Boston Globe to Come Clean on Mayor Walsh
The Globe in an editorial on Tuesday has called upon Mayor Walsh to come clean in what is going on in City Hall. The last line of the editorial reads: “The best way for the mayor to repair that impression [of the lack of integrity of Boston’s permitting process] would be to hold his staff…
Who Murdered Louis Litif? How Whitey Was Wrongly Implicated
While discussing the murders I do not want to skip over that of Louis LItif. He was not one of the nineteen. I mentioned earlier how Judge William Young in the Boston federal court found that even though Flemmi lied when he said Whitey had a motive to murder Debbie Davis he nevertheless believed Flemmi…
Mayor Walsh Outs the U.S. Attorney Boston Globe Relationship
A bit of serendipity dropped on our doorsteps thanks to Mayor Walsh. He has inadvertently lifted the lid on the cozy but sordid relationship between the office of U.S. Attorney Ortiz and the Boston Globe. You have heard me tell of it over the years; but without subpoena power I have never been able to produce…
The Whitey Bulger Murders: The Zealous Prosecutor and Blind Media 2 of 2
I’ve been writing about the murder of Debby Davis. I pointed out Whitey had no motive to murder her. The one who did was the one who blamed Whitey. Flemmi had all the reasons to want her dead. He would have murdered her if Whitey did not exist. He did not need to be told…