One of the great ideas of liberals is that what consenting adults choose to do is their business as long as it does not hurt others. We are told to keep our noses out of their lives and our own set of standards to ourselves. Yet even though the freedom of consenting adults is a…
Jeb’s Effeteness and His Downfall: He Was Truly Unprepared for the Job
The gun told us it was over. Or perhaps it was even before that when he said “please clap!” Or perhaps with these other faux pas. Maybe it was when he thought the people would elect a guy name “Jeb” who had no last name. Who names a kid Jeb? I wrote a novel a…
US Attorney Carmen Ortiz Again Shows Her Gratitude to the Boston Globe
I’ve written more times than I can count of the symbiotic relationship between the Boston Globe and the Boston U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz. Here’s what is behind it. Attorney Ortiz was appointed as Boston’s U.S. attorney. Shortly after she was in that office and before she had really gotten her feet wet the people at…
FBI Up To Its Old Dirty Tricks: Scare Americans and Subvert the Usual Processes.
Here is a simple way to look at this. You own ABX Tools. It is located at the end of a long street with one other business, ISIS Matters. The FBI suspects terrorist operate at ISIS. It tells you it wants to take over your business for a few months to conduct surveillance. You say…
Boston Mayor Martin Walsh’s Chance To Show Some Courage
Former Mayor Ray Flynn is to be honored. He deserves it. In the matter of full disclosure I am not a totally disinterested person when it comes to giving him his due. I’ve always liked him. It was not just because he was from South Boston but more importantly on the couple of occasions that…
The Sordid Peyton Manning Saga: Using Blacks to Hide White Sins
I first thought “Poor Peyton – his alleged sins of 13 years ago have come back to haunt him. What are we to think of him that he may have done something stupid when he was a 19-year-old college student?” How mistaken I was to think that is all that was involved. The story about…