The other day I wrote about the FBI’s dark hole into which everything it gets involves with disappears until sometime much later when it may tell its own version of what happened. The worst words you will hear if you are interested in learning something about an event that just happened is that“the FBI is…
Whitey and the FBI: Questions From Jerome: Part III
I noted Jerome was interested in learning why John Connolly was singled out when he was doing what he was supposed to do working in an approved FBI program. He only did what others in the FBI were doing, had done and are still doing. He pointed out that nothing has happened to the others.
Whitey and the FBI: Questions From Jerome: Part II
Jerome read my response and set out to follow-up on the things I suggested that would aid him in figuring out the answer to his problem which is he can not find any information Whitey gave to the FBI. Rather who comments here helped him identifying “Little Al.” He also included with that some of the things…
Whitey and the FBI: Questions From Jerome: Part I
Jerome and Rather who comment here have brought me back to a consideration of things relating to Whitey Bulger. Rather has hung around here a long time and kept current on many of the posts; Jerome more recently but he has a strong interest in probing deeper into what happened in the pre-Whitey era of the…
Misleading Cops: Is Just Saying ‘No’ OK?
The mystery on the boat “Naut Guilty” which is owned by a lawyer and whose motor cut off the arm of a young woman who was in the water deepened. Alexander Williams, 24, was arraigned in the Boston Municipal court for operating the boat negligently. It is also reported: “Williams is charged with misleading an investigator…
Moving From Our Roots: “Oh You New York Girls Can’t You Change The Country.”
My Fourth of July post set out how the Declaration of Independence was basically a Protestant document written by white men that established our nation. The men who wrote it had no problem talking about God and the calling upon His protection for their planned attempt to break free from the rule of the British king….