Icarus, Donald, think Icarus! You couldn’t keep that big mouth shut. You liked those polls having you leading among sixteen others. It felt good being at the top of a field of plenty. You were king of the hill. Hubris, Donald, think hubris. That was Icarus’s downfall. Your old man’s money (300 million) got you…
The FBI’s Arrest of Alexander Ciccolo: Tainting A Good Job
I had a discussion the other day about the matter involving Boston Police Captain Robert Ciccolo’s son Alexander age 23 who was arrested on July 4, 2015, by the FBI. There is little doubt that Alexander was a clear and present danger to the public and should have been deprived of an opportunity to effectuate…
The Black Hole Into Which Everything Disappears. FBI Judging Its Own Conduct
Close to the worst words that can be heard in an open society is that a secretive organization responsible only to itself is investigating something. The absolute worst words are that it is investigating its own actions. How difficult it must be to do that in an upright manner? How strange in a democracy with its…
FBI Up To Its Old Tricks! Sad To See Little Has Changed
Suppose you’ve invested heavily in stock of Redapple. Its CEO Bill Chicklets says the company expects bang-up results for the fourth quarter ending June 30. On July 1 he holds a conference call to discuss them. He announces that they had a record quarter. When he is questioned he adds that he won’t release any figures…
DA Marion Ryan’s Harebrain Plan to Try Dzhokhar Tsarnaev!
Garret Byrnes was the District Attorney in Suffolk County from 1952 until 1978. Like all district attorneys he would have to run for re-election every four years. He knew that most people have no idea who is their DA or what county they live in. He recognized the value of good publicity. A month or so before…
A Step Back From War: Netanyahu’s Big Misstep
Netanyahu is sort of a tough guy who acts like he cannot be pushed around. He will do anything to stay in office as we saw with his stunt prior to the last election. He’s a “my way or the highway type guy.” He’s not happy listening to opinions that run counter to what he…