Think of the Big Dig; add in Annie Dookhan; on top of that consider our crumbling justice, failing school, clogged highway and decrepit public transit systems; consider our penchant for looting the public payroll and look at the gang of characters who are flirting and stirring about around the edges of this grandiose scheme and…
Dumb and Dumber: Wrongfully Impugning the Integrity of Boston’s Black Leadership
My observation from afar is that “Black Lives Matter” (BLM) is a group of people made up of the members of the white and black races and all the races that occupy a position somewhere between those opposite colors. (See photo left of a recent demonstration on Newbury Street.) The BLM group in Boston was…
Supreme Judicial Court’s Atrophy In Face of Prosecutors Acting Like Morons
I suppose it has always been fair to say that some prosecutors are not the brightest bulbs on the marquis; but to think that a group of them have no light at all going on upstairs is really dismaying. What else can you think after hearing of the actions of the assistant district attorneys in…
Will AUSA Freddy Wyshak Indict DA Timmy Cruz?
Freddy Wyshak is an assistant U.S. attorney (AUSA) in Boston. He is in his mid sixties having spent most if not all his legal career as a prosecutor in the hallowed halls of the Department of Justice. After many years on the job last year he got a promotion to become head of the Boston…
DA Cruz’s Real Problem: He’s Not My Cup of Tea
It is interesting to watch the attack in the Boston Globe on Plymouth District Attorney Timothy Cruz unfold. I have never met the man nor do I know much about him. My initial impression is that he runs a lousy office because he has been in office for 14 years and back in 2011 he…
The Underhanded Reason for the Attack on DA Cruz
The attack on District Attorney Timothy Cruz by the Boston Globe as I suggested in my post yesterday had no merit. Newman Flanagan the flamboyant district attorney in Suffolk County for many years was also its top trial lawyer prior to becoming DA. He would remind jurors when he argued cases that when they are…