“What do you think it is?”Joe Bftsplt’s old girl friend asked me? “Is he just one real heartless mean scag?” I responded, “I don’t know, could be but ask your ex Joe, he and Wyshak go way back – they may be cousins.” “I did,” she replied. “he told me to ask you. He says you…
Had Hastert’s Horrible Humiliation Had to Happen?
Did Denny’s disgraceful dalliance demand his destruction I asked myself? Was not there another way that the matter could have been handled without humiliating him in his waning years? Prior to his indictment I knew almost nothing about the man other than he was a Republican Congressman who had gained the office of Speaker of…
The Flaherty Conundrum: Where’s The Crime?
I’ve written about the federal charges against Attorney Timothy Flahery for allegedly hindering a person from contacting an FBI agent. I have hope that at some point an accommodation can be made short of trial that will allow Attorney Flaherty keep his law license so that he can continue to earn his living practicing law;…
Outrage Is In the Mind of the Beholder: A Plea for Justice and Mercy
I ran into this lawyer over the weekend. He doesn’t do any criminal work. I asked him if he wanted to hear about an outrageous case. He indicated a willingness to hear my rant so I told him about the case against Timmy Flaherty. I showed him the indictment which he read. He listened, read,…
The Worrisome Boston Olympics of 2024:
For me the Olympics is like the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) or the National Football League (NFL) or the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA). Those groups are big organizations run by a handful of people who become extremely wealthy providing games as the Romans used to do for the enjoyment of the masses while demanding…
O’Malley for President: Dump the Hill_Billies
I know practically nothing about Martin O’Malley who used to be governor in Maryland. I did read this article telling why he is a better candidate than the Hill_Billies. I also read one by Joe Battenfeld the Herald columnist telling how he could beat the Hill_Billies. I would like to see O’Malley win for my…