I was reading a column by George Will in the Washington Post about the use of the name Redskins by the Washington NFL football team. One of his points was quite poignant to me because I plan to put out posts next week about the Boston Globe’s attack against Mayor Marty Walsh over the issue…
Keeping Up Your Vocabulary: Globbering
Globbering: Pronounced: globe – erring Etymology: Globbering should not be confused with clobbering. The latter is usually done with a club or truncheon; the former with words. It is named for the practice of The Boston Globe which developed a method of clobbering a person it did not favor. (See POOF – person out of favor) Definition:…
Keeping Up Your Vocabulary: POOF
Etymology: As a word it is from the sound of a puff of breath or air. Also, from the acronym standing for “person out of favor.” Definition: The word poof is used to say that something has happened suddenly or that someone or something has disappeared The acronym, usually capitalized, POOF stands for a Person…
POOFED: Patricia Campatelli: A Woman Held To A Different Standard
Patricia Campatelli looks like she’s had a tough life and can give as good as she can get. Back in 2002 she went out and got herself elected as the Register of Probate in Suffolk County. Now Massachusetts highest court, the SJC, has said that even though the people elected her to that job and…
Back To Baghdad: Obama Seat Of The Pants Policies
Last Thursday I asked Obama to speak out on Iraq. On Friday he did. I don’t suggest the one is connected to the other but who knows. After reading what he had to say I wash my hands of all responsibility, if there is any to be had, for bringing about his talk on Iraq….
Was Khattala’s Arrest Designed To Hide Obama’s State Department’s Total Ineptness
Yesterday, I told how I stood at a plaque in memory of Glen Doherty one of those killed in the Benghazi attack. It was located in a house next door to where I was staying. When I returned back to that house I learned that our Special Forces had captured Ahmed Abu Khattala in Benghazi…