President Obama started slowly in his State of the Union speech, warmed up a bit as he went on and ended with a flourish in a salute to a poor bastard Army Ranger who was deployed ten times to war zones and ended up being severely injured; we all clapped for the courage shown by…
The FBI’s Use of Whitey Bulger to Hide Its Sordidness
I mentioned in my last post on Whitey that he has been exploded into a legend by willful people stating: “there was a need of other parties to jump on the ship to inflate his reputation for their own less than straight forward purposes.” One of those parties was the FBI. It’s good to keep…
Will Obama Use State of Union Invitees As Cover for No Death Penalty on Tsarnaev
I’ve got a Twitter account called @Bulgerontrial. I rarely go to it. The other day because of things happening in Ukraine I went there to tweet, if that’s the word, a couple of comments on the #maidan site. While there I saw that David Frank of Mass Lawyer’s Weekly was tweeting from the hearing on…
The Mysterious Silence of President Obama on the Ukrainian Protests
How is it we are so willing to put our prestige on the line for people in the Arab countries for whom democracy is a stranger and women’s rights are often held hostage to male ignorance while ignoring people in the West who cry out for democracy, are willing to put their lives on the…
Time To Bring Our Troops and Money Home Until We Figure Out What We Want
I had the unhappy experience of turning into a BBC program that was pitched as a debate among John McCain, Alexei Pushkov, Chairman of Russia’s State Duma Committee for International Affair, and two others, a Saudi prince, Turki Al-Faisal and the other an American woman named Jane Harman. The debate issue was whether the United States is losing credibility,…
The Boston Globe’s Relation With The Justice Department Denies Us The Truth
I’ve pointed to several times that the Boston Globe seems to have too close of a relationship with the U.S. Attorney’s office in Boston. An example of this is where on December 31, 2011, its closeness compelled it to call the relatively new U.S. Attorney, Carmen Ortiz, the Bostonian of the Year, even though she had only…