Jim wrote in yesterday asking if I had any “[t]houghts on the motion re: martorano saying he’s currently being shielded from prosecution for his current illegal activities? Any chance the govt actually ponies up the interview files they say are relevant to this” I had just downloaded the motion of Carney and Brennan (C&B) from…
Whitey Sends Us A Message – “The Way You Wear Your Hat”
The way you wear your hat. The way you sip your tea. The memory of all that – No, no – they can’t take that away from me. . . . The way you haunt my dream. . . . The way you hold your knife . . . The way you’ve changed my life….
Washington Post and NY Times Play “Let’s Pretend”
I suppose it is only natural to expect our home country media would be sleeping on this story. It’s hard to believe they have just discovered it since I’ve noted earlier a former big chief in the FBI spoke about not only being able to know the metadata of the call but the contents. On…
Waiting For Evidence In Whitey’s Trial – The Jury Enigma
While we await for the action to begin with the opening statement coming next week we have time to consider some other things as the lawyer’s go through picking the jurors. There’s a whole industry out there that advises lawyers on how to do this. In America, there seems to rise up an industry on…
Whitey Bulger Trial – Jury Empanelment Continues – Some Thoughts
One of the difficulties with covering a trial is that you are always an outsider. Yesterday I pointed out that much of the hearing at which Whitey was present that lasted somewhere between 15 to 20 minutes took place at the bench. Judge Casper the prosecutors and defense attorneys gathered together at the right side…
Jury Selection: The Start of The Trial
Surprisingly few people were in court for the video broadcast of the judge’s speech to the jury. Outside the court as I approached were five Homeland police cars; inside the court things went on without any indication something different was happening. The usual array of deputy marshals checked identifications and cleared people into the courthouse….