Yesterday I ended by asking: If Whitey was not a rat, then where does that leave Murderman and Brutalman? Murderman Martorano testified against FBI agent John Connolly in 2002 believing Whitey would never be captured. At trial he came up with a cock and bull story that Whitey was not really an informant for the…
Turning Whitey Black: Not Accepting That Whitey Was Never An Informant But A Double Agent
I’ve always known most of the reporters who cover the story of Whitey and his family have no street credentials. They’ve grown up in another world than that of Whitey or his associates. They can’t really understand the intricacies of a neighborhood like South Boston and its culture no matter how much they try. They…
Part II: Whitey Bulger’s Case Demonstrates A Malign Media Mindset Involving Twisting Facts and Destroying Reputations
Yesterday I told of how the media wrote about a letter Whitey Bulger intended to send to Father Robert Drinan, S.J. at the time he was dean of Boston College Law School. Dave Boeri of WBUR asks; “How in the world would Drinan be connected to the “habitual criminal?” Don’t you like the word “connected” and…
Part I: Whitey Bulger’s Case Demonstrates A Malign Media Mindset Involving Twisting Facts and Destroying Reputations
I sometimes have to wonder at the pap we get from our newspapers especially in stories relating to Bulger. I indicated yesterday that the mainstream media writers missed the point of Whitey admitting his role in some bank robberies back in 1956. He wasn’t ratting anyone out nor was he cooperating with the FBI. He…
If Whitey Bulger Doesn’t Want His Enemies Writing His Story He’d Better Act Now: Time is Running Out.
I know you’ve heard this before but during the lull in the action on Whitey’s trial I’m catching up on putting together the material I have gathered on Whitey’s brother Billy. It has always puzzled me that a guy could serve so long in public service with an unblemished record and have people start saying he was…
While Waiting For Movement In Whitey’s Case We Can Watch As Massachusetts Slowly Unravels
I wrote how the newspapers like to follow up on stories. The Sheila Burgess story of a driving record involving 7 (minor? her fault?) accidents, 4 speeding, 2 failure to stops for a police officer and 3 other minor incidents (we don’t know the outcome of any criminal charge) which happened in her early…