It certainly appeared like racism in professional sports especially in the ranks of coaches and managers and even to those who call the penalties or balls and strikes. For years the sign “no blacks need apply” was displayed prominently over the door of the teams. It reinforced the idea that “yes blacks can play the…
The Worm Turns: How Long Before Scientists Get Murdered In America?
We saw that a prominent Iranian scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was murdered on November 27 in a suburb of Tehran while riding in a car. The strange story of his his actual assassination put out by the Iranian officials reads like something out of science fiction: the killers were in Israel operating both a machine gun and…
Barr’s Last Dirty Trick – Don’t Let It Work! Fire Durham.
In October the Atttorney General Barr secretly appointed Connecticut U.S. Attorney John Durham to the position of special counsel. Durham was first appointed in May 2019 to investigate “certain intelligence and law-enforcement activities surrounding the 2016 presidential election” according a letter Barr sent Lindsey Graham and others on December 1, 2020.. Durham during that time has…
Trump: “Someday It Will Suddenly Disappear.” He was right!
It was back in the late winter when Trump was talking about Covid-19. On February 27, 2020 he said: “It’s going to disappear. One day – it’s like a miracle – it will disappear.” Since that time he continued with that line. After being discharged from the hospital on October 10 he stood on the…
Time To Arrest Trump: Inciting An Insurrection or Rebellion Is A Crime:
It is time to arrest Trump. His actions are violative of our laws. This is why the Office of Legal Counsel Memorandum exempting a president from indictment is in error. We are supposed to be a country of laws and no one is supposed to be above them. One of our laws follows: 18 U.S….
Trump’s Last Dirty Trick. Will It Work. Who Can Stop It?
This is important to keep in mind how Trump acted both in 2016 and in 2020 prior to the presidential elections. In both instances he claimed prior to the first vote being cast that the election was rigged. In 2016 after it turned out it wasn’t obviously rigged and that he was the winner then…