I have finished my rough draft of the my book on the 100 gangster murders that occurred in Boston in between 1956 and 1976. I now have to go back over it and send it out to some others for them to look at and comment on. Then I hope that I can make it…
The Grand Comeuppance: For Lack of a Mask He Lost His Job
I was going to post today about how Melania’s talk about doing Christmas decoration and the kids being taken from their folks was shocking but because of her illness I will refrain from doing that. Rather in light of the drastic change in conditions I do want to talk about wearing masks something I have…
Poetry Wednesday: A Man Who Saw Into The Future – W.B. Yeats
I was thinking that I should not be dealing in poetry since I really have little knowledge about what it is about. Have you ever seen a paradox? One of my son’s appreciates it and understands it which makes me recognize my shortcomings. None the less, I persist in putting some forth. Last Wednesday I…
Daffy Donald and his Screwballs
Now please do not tell me this is not the prime example of daffiness. Daffy Donald in his own words in a recording with Bob Woodward said in March 2020 that he was playing down danger of the virus and would continue to do that. Daffy Donald a couple of days after that said that…
Trump’s Pitch: “The Others Are Coming For You. Only I Can Save You From Them.”
I know there are those who hate of others because they are different. I vividly recall standing at the corner of Savin Hill Avenue and South Sidney Street with a couple of guys who were as they say “on the dole” having some type of allergy to working for a loving. This day a black…
Gangster Thursday: How many people did Whitey kill? Whitey killed a thousand.
I suppose you must figure it is around that amount from the publicity that surrounded him. We all read how he terrorized the City of Boston and environs for 25 years. We read about it even though we were residents in those areas and were not terrorized ourselves but surely most of the people were…