John Durham and the Plight of John Connolly By the way, Connolly would be tried in Florida based on the testimony of Martorano, Flemmi and Weeks and be convicted of murder by gun. Wyshak at that time was the lead prosecutor. He was not originally charged with murder by gun. He was charged with first…
Federal Prosecutor John Durham and American Justice. 7 of 10
The Court of Appeals Considers Salemme’s Story to Confidential Informant How then does Judge Selya work to make this into an asthenic showing? First he said Salemme’s testimony received substantial corroboration. The corroboration was not of his critical testimony but only that he was seen with Connolly. Obviously far from substantial. Next he writes that…
Federal Prosecutor John Durham and American Justice. 6 of 10
Salemme’s Prison Story This case took a weird turn in 2004. Durham used Salemme as a witness in 2002 and deposed him in 2003. On September 16, 2004, the FBI submitted a report of a conversation that one of its informants, called a confidential source (CS), had with Frank Salemme while in prison. He was…
Sunday News – Slow Learners
I just suppose you figure Boston College athletics is run by some slow learners. How long did they hang on to Football Coach Steve Addazio with his pathetic and boorish performance year after year. Five. Six years? They finally dumped him and the stupid folk at Colorado State picked him up. He went there at…
Federal Prosecutor John Durham and American Justice. 5 of 10
The Court of Appeals Considers Connolly’s Contentions on Salemme’s Perjury Connolly would file a motion for a new trial based on discovering Salemme lied and also other material. Judge Tauro denied the motion without giving any reason. Connolly then brought the case to the Appeals Court. That court indicated in its opening line that Connolly…
Federal Prosecutor John Durham and American Justice. 4 of 10
The Charges Against Connolly As usual with the federal prosecutors they loaded up on charges against Connolly. It is necessary to spell them out for a full understanding of the situation and the deals given to those murderers and his supervisor. There was a racketeering count that had 14 different acts that the prosecutors alleged…