Hugh Hewitt is a very big Trump supporter. He finds gold in Trump’s leadership where others would see pyrite. He writes for the Washington Post and on June 11, 2020 he wrote about Trump and why we would want to choose him come November as our leader providing that Trump doesn’t have to walk down anymore…
The Great Opening: Following The Wisdom of Trump
Remember Covid-19? What ever happened to it. It’s pretty nice to be able to go outside and know we no longer need masks or keep social distancing. Bing-bang, just like that, if we believe Trump and company it has gone away. Of course I am exaggerating a bit. For Trump it never seemed to come….
Defund the Police. Has The Time Come?
Anachists often point out the inequities in our country. They advocate the overthrow of our present system rightfully complaining that under it most people don’t get a fair deal. It doesn’t require being a – well I used to say “brain surgeon” but after watching Ben Carlson I stopped saying that. Now I say –…
Does Not It Bother You That Trump Is Filled With Lunatic Ideas?
Enough talk of everything other than the present state of affairs in America. Let us concentrate on the mind of the person elected to the presidency by a minority of the voters. You have seen the video I assume. It was in Buffalo, New York. The police are walking in a line toward the protesters….
Do You Think These People Out Protesting On The Street Have A Reason To Be There?
In 1999 Boston Globe columnist Adrian Walker complained about the deal that John Martorno was offered by the federal prosecutor. He wrote: “You can commit one of the worst massacres in this city’s bloody history and pay no price at all. The lives of Smith, Dickson, and Barrett meant virtually nothing.” I’ve written before about this….