I don’t pay too much attention to watching the news on television lately. I guess it is good because I would not have been subject to hearing Jared Kushner spell out what a resounding success the United State is having in dealing with the Coronavirus. I heard that Trump also has been saying something along…
Up To Date Report on Numbers: April 25, 2020
Last night listening to the news I heard a voice recording of the VP Pence who said “If you look at the trends today, I think by Memorial Day Weekend we will largely have this coronavirus epidemic behind us.” Now that’s a guy who should know being in such a lofty position. A little later…
Why Haven’t The Epidemiologists Focused On This Which May Provide The Answer 2 of 2
It seems that something can be made from these figures. Why in this country does the death rate run from three states which less than a 1% death rate (South Dakota 0.42$, Wyoming 0.64%, Utah 0.87%) to four states with death rates greater than 5.78% (Minnesota 5.79%,New York 5.79%, Connecticut 6.72% and Michigan 7.71%). All…
Why Haven’t The Epidemiologists Focused On This Which May Provide The Answer 1 of 2
So I get this idea doing my daily figures that perhaps things aren’t as they seem. I’ve had a suspicion that some states are understating the number of deaths that they have. I figured the way to determine if that is so is to figure out whether there is a percentage of deaths to positive…
Introduction to “Feds, Reds, Blacks and Blues” 1 of 5
Going back to my roots, I thought I would post the introduction to my long-delayed and continuing work in process the book: “Feds, Reds, Blacks and Blues.” INTRODUCTION: I never considered myself a writer or historian; but here I am writing about an important part of American history. How I arrived at this point I…
Words At The Dedication of the Statute of Liberty:
The marvelous development and progress of this republic is due to the fact that in rigidly adhering to the advice of Washington for absolute neutrality and non-interference in the politics and policies of other governments we have avoided the necessity of depleting our industries to feed our armies, of taxing and impoverishing our resources to…