Today members of the Eastern Orthodox churches celebrate Easter. The date differs from that of other Christians because they follow the Julian calendar and not the Gregorian one. The latter was put into effect by Pope Gregory and the last thing the Orthodox leaders were going to do was follow something he did. The Orthodox…
Up To Date Report on Numbers: April 18, 2020
New cases in the United States seems to be steady over the last five days ranging from 30,442 to 32,491, the latter amount being how many were recorded in the last 24 hours. Italy has about 3,500 new cases on average; Spain over the last six days jumps from 8,118, to 2442, to the most…
A Mixed Bag On Deaths from Coronavirus: Saturday Report
Over the last twenty-four hours we’ve seen in the original group of nine states that I was following there were 95 deaths in California the second highest number ever – on 4/12 it had 110 deaths. The prior seven days average was 59; there were 63 deaths in Georgia, its highest number to date. The…
You Really Can’t Say Trump Is Thinking Rationally!
Any impartial observer would be forced to admit that Trump’s first concern is himself. Doesn’t that make you proud of him? Come on now you can’t deny it with his recent absurdity demanding that his name appear on the checks that are being sent out to the American people as if he was the one…
Happy Pearl Harbor Day! Nice Job Brownie!
I have to admit I almost fell out of my seat when I read Trump tweeted out: “Happy Good Friday.” Do you think he knows what Good Friday is about? Do you think he has any idea that Christ was crucified on that day and it is the last day on which you would associate…
Your In Good Hands With The Trump Team: What A Joke!!
Breathe a big sigh of relief. Trump has brought together the most expert group in America he could find, the best and the brightest, to sit on the Council to Re-Open America. They will have the input to pass on to Trump who will decide when to re-open America to expose Americans to coronavirus when…